Anger bursts

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Narrator's pov 

As soon as Jason's name had left the Justin's lips, Jason was a hysterical ball of cuteness as he gripped onto Justin's hand tightly, not wanting to let go as he cried and not being able to stop it. 

Pattie had fallen to her knees at seeing her baby boy actually awake, she didn't know how to react so she just dropped to the floor and cried into her hands, thanking god for listening to her and bringing her baby back to her. 

Demi was stood in shock tears running from her already puffy eyes as she looked at her best friend, she was baffled that he had just woken up like that but what was she expecting? 

Jason was using his free hand touching all over Justin's face and chest as if it was going to do anything, he didn't know what he should do so he was slightly panicked, but mostly hysterical at seeing his boyfriends eyes for the first time in three months and one day.

Justin looked straight up to the ceiling in confusion, why did he say the name Jason? 

What happened to him? 

Is his name really Justin? 

Was he having a dream? 

Why is the whole room white? 

Why are these people crying? 

Why is his body aching? 

The confused boy tried to move his head to the side but a pain shot through the back of his head making him wince but not make any sound not wanting to alarm the already panicked people in the room, so he stayed still only blinking now and again as his head was still a little dizzy and he was very confused about everything, but he was sure that it would all come back to him soon. 

Jason was worried even more at the fact that his lover had not moved a muscle, he was scared at the fact that after saying his name he was now staring blankly at the ceiling with no thoughts of moving or saying anything else. 

Mark who had now recovered from the shock of seeing the boy who he had viewed as someone he would like to call his son hurried over to a non moving Justin with the other doctor rushing behind him with wide eyes and a dropped jaw. 

The doctors were never going to tell the other people in this room and they still wont, but they never thought that the boy was going to make it, they believed that he was either going to be in a coma for the rest of his life or he was just going to give up and pass away in his sleep, so they were astonished that he was awake.

"Baby." Jason croaked placing his hand in the side of Justin's cheek, but it still did not get him to move, of course Justin had heard him, his body was just sore and his voice was probably even worse than his body was because of his lack of speech, he wanted to answer but he just couldn't so he continued to stare at the blank white ceiling.

Him saying Jason's name, believe it or not had taken it out of him and he was now suffering because of it, why cant he remember what happened to him? 

Jason was looking at his lover with a natural pout on his face that he didn't even know he was pulling, he had blocked out the cries of his mother and now best friend and focused on the boy that he hadn't left the bed of in three months and don't forget the one day that was today. 

Jason wasn't showing it much or so he thought, but he was panicking his little ass off, not realizing that he was as he begged and pleaded for Justin to talk to him, to even just look at the slightly older boy, he didn't realize that his voice was getting higher and more hysterical as he begged his lover to show of any sign that he was ok, but once again was met with the silence that was Justin. 

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