Treasure hunt

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The italics are the notes

Mystery pov

Boss slammed their fists against the table as I told them that Justin had made it out alive, that his suicide attempt hadn't have worked and that he was going to rehab to sort himself out. 

Well lets just say that they aren't best pleased with the news and are now going to be coming up with something else to do to get rid of him. 

I don't understand why they don't just give up, why they don't just leave the boy alone, he has done nothing wrong.

I mean, so what if he is gay? 

So what if he likes the same sex? 

So what if he has a boyfriend? It just doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever. 

I wouldn't even being doing this if I wasn't forced into it, the crush I had on Justin has only gotten stronger, every time that I see him my heart flutters in my chest, every time I see his smile, that small smile, I get weak at the knees at how perfect it is, he is just so beautiful and I really don't want to hurt him, but I have no way of getting out of this. 

I know he belongs to Jason as well so I wouldn't come in between their relationship and I know I wouldn't even be able to because they are so in love, anyone can see it from a mile away, the way they look at each other, the way that their bodies unconsciously move together. When Jason moves so does Justin and the other way around, the way they are oblivious to everyone else around them and also just by how they act with each other and I am just happy that Justin is happy with him.

That is all I want.  

I haven't told the bosses that I am pansexual, if I did they would all want to kill me as well and I don't want to die, I am too young to die and I am not ready to, I want to live my life to the fullest before I go and I also want to meet Justin in person, that would be nice. 

Of course I wouldn't tell him who I really was, but I just want to talk to him at least one time, I just want to be that close to him. 

"What the fuck do you mean he isn't dead?" One of the bosses screamed.

"Exactly what I said." I muttered annoyed, but that earned me a backhand to my face, my hand rose to my cheek on instinct as it stung, but I didn't say a single word or make any noise.

"Get out of my fucking sight, I don't know why we even have you here, you're just as worthless as Justin is." They spat at me and I rolled my eyes again.

"Justin isn't worthless." I spoke up and that earned me a punch to the face this time making me fall to the ground.

"Yes he is, do you want me to kill you right now?" They spoke as I shook my head quickly not wanting to die as I have said before.

"Then get the fuck up and out of my sight, go and do something useful, you fucking little prick." I just sighed as I stood up and without another word started to make my out of the room feeling something hit the middle of my back hard, but I just kept on walking. 

Once I made it out of the room closing the door behind me I let the tears slip past my eyes as I walked towards my assigned room and once in there I broke down into silent sobs like I have been doing since Justin tried to commit suicide.  

Justin's pov

I let out a quiet yawn as I uncurled my body from it's ball and stretched my stiff limbs, with my eyes still closed I reached a hand over to curl up against Jason's side, but I was met with a cold mattress making me frown and my eyes shoot open as I began to panic. 

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