The Meeting

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John and I were both restless by the time we landed in New York City. Dimitri had flown us with the private jet from Russia to America. Most of the international dons had a trusted leader based in America while they stayed in their country.

The Italian don, Enzo, chose to reside in New York City the majority of his time. I don't know what deal he had with the Americans for them to not feel it was encroaching on their territory.

We got out of the jet, and before we had time to stretch our legs out, we were being ushered into another black SUV. This one would take us to the Italian mansion that resided in Tribeca, the richest part of New York City. Rumor is it's the richest because of Enzos influence.

Dimitri turned to look at us from the front passenger seat he sat in. "Okay, get changed into fresh clothes and make yourselves presentable," he spoke to us for the first time since we left Russia.

John and I let out our "yes, sir" before digging through our bags to change into a fresh set of clothes. It was a little bit difficult to do in the backseat, but we'd changed in more uncomfortable places.

I wasn't worried about being completely nude as I changed my bra and underwear. We've been taught to be comfortable with nudity and no privacy. I was especially comfortable around John and the other assassins. We all practiced our "bedroom skills" on each other since we were fourteen.

I put on deodorant and John seemed to think it a good idea as he reached for his. While John relaxed and got comfy I tied my hair up into a perfect, tight, and smooth high bun.

After about an hour in the car we pulled into the driveway of the most beautiful mansion I'd ever seen.

The Italian mansion

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The Italian mansion. Look up the address for a look inside.

I got out of the car staring up at the beautiful place.

"Quit acting like you're a greenling who's never seen nice things," Dimitri snapped at John and I. I looked at John who had been staring in amazement, too. We shared a smile before looking down and following Dimitri to the entrance.

The guards came forward and said, "Welcome Mr. Volkov." That was Dimitri and Adrik's last name.

"It's good to be here," Dimitri said with his feral smile that made me think of how a wolf looks before it attacks.

"We will have to check you for weapons before entrance, sir," the same guard said.

Dimitri huffed in annoyance before lifting his arms up and widening his stance to be patted down. John and I instantly took the same position with our heads bowed down. Two out of the five guards standing by the door came over to search John and I.

I knew they wouldn't find the two throwing stars that covered my nipples inside my bra. John always complained it wasn't fair that I had a hiding place no one would find unless they squeezed my tits.

The guard that patted me down, of course didn't do that. He was professional, respectful, and mechanical with his search. The guards I dealt with at home would have way too much fun during the pat down. They were anything but respectful.

The three guards searching us all said clear before they opened the door and led us inside. I thought I was impressed by the front of the mansion, I'm speechless with the interior.

Everything was made of stained wood with beautiful open rooms that had floor to ceiling windows. The view from those huge windows was astonishing.

I was trying really hard not to gape. I looked at John to see him doing just that. I leaned my shoulder to bump into him. His eyes snapped to mine before his cheeks went red and he looked down like we were supposed to.

After the guards led us through a few more rooms, each increasing in beauty. We came to a stop in a room that looked to be the dining room. Sitting at the table were a group of people.

A deep rumbling voice that sent butterflies fluttering in my stomach said, "Welcome Dimitri, it's been a while since I last saw you."

"Far too long if you ask me, Enzo," Dimitri replied.

I guess the man with the sexy voice was their don. I heard a chair scrape back as a hulking presence came forward to stand in front of John and I. We instantly went into our submissive stance.

"So these are my choices to choose from," Enzo asked.

"Yes," Dimitri replied, "don't let the girl deceive you with her small figure. She is the top of her class in everything except grappling. The man here is the best in that, and second in everything else."

"Hmm, well I must say I want nothing but the best. I'll take the girl." Enzo spoke out

I felt John tense beside me and I wanted so bad to reach out and give him a reassuring squeeze.

"Look up at me girl," Enzo told me.

I looked up to see the most beautiful man I have ever seen. He looked to be in his late twenties with a jawline that could cut glass, dark black hair that he had gelled back, the deepest brown eyes I'd ever seen, beautiful olive tone skin, dark stubble that lined his chin, and a body that was muscled on every inch.

He wore a white dress shirt tucked into black dress pants and sleeves rolled up the bottom of his elbows. I mean what the fuck?! Did men know that is the absolute sexiest look? He was so jacked he had veins standing out on his forearms. I could tell he wasn't as tall as John, but taller than 6'.

When I brought my eyes back up to his face after quickly checking him out, I could see his eyes raking over my body. He was checking me out as well. I wasn't anything too special. Probably the ugliest girl out of the three of us that trained together.

I had dirty blonde hair that went to my mid back, hazel eyes, and an average body. The other two girls were short, petite, and pretty where I had hips and a "sturdy" build. I was in no way overweight, with the training and specified diet we were on we were all muscle and no fat. I just had thick thighs and a bigger butt than what was necessary.

When his eyes snapped back up to mine I was surprised to see a look of lust in them. We had been trained to read emotions and faces easily. The look of lust was unmistakeable for me. I'd seen it in the guards eyes many times at home.

"Welcome to the house," Enzo said with a smirk that made my breath hitch.

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