Fran Shipping

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"Why are you assuming I did something wrong," Enzo whined like a child caught with their hand in a cookie jar.

Fran cut him a glare before she turned to me.

"Does he need scolding?" She asked.

"No, no I think I might need scolding," I admitted timidly.

Fran eyed me warily.

"I doubt it sweetheart," she said.

"I made him uncomfortable," I told her.

"Uncomfortable?" Enzo suddenly cut in.

"Are you going to tell me I didn't?" I questioned him.

"No, you just...surprised me. That's all," he said.

"Surprised you?" Fran asked.

"Yeah she -," he paused gaze cutting to me.

"I kissed him," I finished.

Fran looked unimpressed.

"Are you trying to tell me that's the first time that's happened?" She asked sassily.

Enzo's lips tugged up.

"No, but this time was different," he admitted.

A small light appeared in Fran's eyes. She looked excited. She grabbed two plates and filled them with breakfast foods before plopping them down in front of us.

"Well, I'm going for a break," she announced, rushing out of the kitchen.

It was quiet for a beat before I asked, "Is Fran trying to set us up right now?"

"Not just right now," Enzo grumbled.

I laughed at that. When I glanced back over at Enzo he was smiling down at his plate.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing, you just have a nice laugh," he complimented.

My heart stuttered a step. I looked down at my own plate and began to eat. A silence settled over us but it was much more comfortable now.

"Hey, why wasn't Ant at training?" I had the courage to ask halfway through the meal.

"Antonio was stripped of guard duty. He's now training with the housekeepers," Enzo answered.

"That doesn't sound like much of a punishment," I said, surprised.

"He proved he couldn't be trusted to guard my family and our secrets. Him and the guard who sent the video into the group chat will be working as my housekeepers, my maintenance people, or my gardeners. I gave them a choice. The punishment is the shame. Their families have given a child to guard mine for generations. They lost that privilege." Enzo explained.

"So you really don't know what Zahra and I talk about?"

"I - when I was told about the video I clicked on it to make sure it was really what my guard said. When you mentioned Aurora in the beginning my curiosity got the best of me. I realized what I was doing and stopped watching when you began to talk about what happened to you when you were thirteen," Enzo admitted.

I watched him for signs of lies but couldn't find any.

"Thanks," I said quietly.

He nodded.

"Are you a Volkov?" He asked suddenly.

"I'm not," I answered truthfully.

"I just - when you mentioned thinking you were a monster because your dad was...." He trailed off.

I chuckled, "No, my dad was my mothers rapist."

Enzo froze. He looked at me with horror and pity in his eyes. I guess that's probably a normal reaction from someone. Zahra had taken it in stride, but she'd also aborted her own baby at fourteen and killed her husband at sixteen.

"I'm sorry, May. Maybe it's not true. Dimitri could have told you that so you didn't want to return home," Enzo said gently.

I laughed at that. It wasn't a happy laugh.

"No, Enzo. My mom told me, often. I know I'm a monster and I know I'm vile because it's what I've been told since I could hear."

Enzo looked at me like I'd just broken his heart. He looked at me like I was a small hurt animal that needed rescuing. He looked at me like he wanted to save me. It made my heart speed up. It made me feel almost guilty for the excitement I felt. Him wanting to save me meant my plan was progressing perfectly.

"May," he whispered. "You're not a monster. You could never be a monster. Not when you throw up after killing someone. Not when you'd be willing to sleep with a stranger for the sake of someone else's happiness. Not when you care so much about someone the way you do John."

It felt like someone placed my heart in their hand and squeezed. I was willing to sleep with Declan to get brownie points with Enzo. It was just more proof of my monstrosity.

"I don't want to talk about this anymore," I said to my unfinished food.

"Okay," Enzo immediately relented. "How do you feel about a movie day?"

"A movie day?" I asked.

"Yeah, we'll go shower and then we can go to the movie room on my floor."

"Okay," I agreed.

I stood up but Enzo's hand closed around my wrist.

"Finish your food first. You haven't been eating enough lately," he said before releasing me.

Something in my chest grew warm at the care in his eyes. I nodded and sat back down.

"What movie should we watch?" I asked between bites.

Enzo shrugged, "Whatever you want. What's your favorite movie?"

"Oh, um. Im not sure I have one. I think I've only seen three," I admitted.

"What!?" An incredulous Enzo nearly shouted.

"Well, any free time during training was used to practice. So I guess we didn't actually have free time. With fighting and weapons training, regular school work, languages, and bedroom skills there was always a lot to do. I went to a movie theater once on a mission but I didn't get to focus on the movie because I was too busy figuring out how to poison the popcorn without getting caught. John and I snuck out and broke into the guards office when we were nineteen to watch a movie. It was called "Come and See" in English I believe. I didn't really like that one. Then I watched a movie with a man I was seducing on his couch one time but I never got to finish it," I explained.

Enzo was just staring at me. I fidgeted uncomfortably in my seat.

"I've watched a couple movies since I've been here I guess. I started a mermaid show yesterday that I liked. Oh, and I guess we watched instructional movies growing up. Does that count?"

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