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A few hours later I startled awake to a knock on my door. I rolled out of bed to open it. Behind the door was a sweet looking middle aged woman. She smiled at me as she passed me a try of food.

"Oh, thank you." I said to her.

She nodded before leaving and closing the door behind her. I brought the tray to my bed and looked at it feeling nauseas. I forced myself to take one bite, and that bite seemed to tell my stomach how hungry it was.

Before I even registered what I was doing, I dug into the meal like a wild animal. When I was finished with it I set the tray down on my bed and went to shower. After a nice cold shower to wake me up I walked over to the closet.

With Enzo's new coldness I don't think I'll be getting lucky anytime soon, so I'll skip the lingerie. Instead I chose a pair of grey leggings and a pretty dark blue sweater. I took my tray and headed to the kitchen to take care of it.

When I walked in the sweet woman who had brought the food to me stood in the kitchen cooking. I couldn't even comprehend how she had pasta boiling, a sauce simmering, something in the oven, and she was chopping vegetables. To say the least, I'm impressed.

She noticed me and gave me a wide smile. I looked at her sheepishly and said,

"I'd love to offer help but I'm scared I'll ruin your food."

"Well, is there anything you're able to do, honey?" She asked in a sweet voice.

"Just baking sweets, but it's been a long time since I did that." I answered.

Her face lit up and she said, "That's perfect, I haven't started the dessert yet. The cook book is in the corner, bake whatever you'd like. Oh, and my name is Francesca, but you can call me Fran"

I looked at Fran and gave her a genuine smile, "Thanks, it's nice to meet you. I'm May."

With that said I got to work. I looked over her recipe book and decided on some red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. If I'm being honest, I picked that one because it used to be my favorite.

I began mixing everything and making an absolute mess. Something about baking seemed to keep me focused enough to block everything out. At the same time, it was easy enough to not stress me out. Once Fran took her chicken out of the oven I set it to the temperature I needed.

I threw the cupcakes in there and got to work on the frosting while I waited for them to bake. After they came out and cooled off I frosted them and made them look damn near professional. Fran walked back into the kitchen after serving everyone dinner. She smiled at my masterpieces.

"Wow, it looks like you bake for a profession." She said happily.

I couldn't help but smile proudly at that.

"You can't say that until we taste test." I responded to her.

We both smiled as we snatched a cupcake. It was cooked to perfection. I even heard her let out a moan as she bit into hers. My smile widened even more. It felt really nice to make something that didn't involve blood or sex.

She went out to clear everyone's plates and I insisted on helping her clean the dishes she brought back in. It took her three trips to bring everything in the kitchen from the table. I noticed that there were four plate sets. It's most likely Aurora, Enzo, Lorenzo, and Mateo out there.

I began washing everything and Fran tried to get me to bring my cupcakes out. I strongly refused. When she came back in she tried to take over the dishes. I ushered her out and told her to go take the rest of the evening off.

Once she finally left I got back to work cleaning everything in the kitchen up. It was quite a bit between all the things she used, and all things I used.

I was wiping down the counters after finishing the dishes when I heard footsteps. I glanced up to see Enzo. I immediately placed the rag on the counter and went to my submissive pose.

I heard him walking closer as he put his finger under my chin and tilted my head up. Our eyes connected as he said,

"You're cupcakes were delicious."

I felt myself actually blush as I pulled my head away from his fingers and looked away in embarrassment.

"I told Fran not to say anything," I mumbled.

Enzo let out a loud laugh. I looked up at him incredulously. That laugh was my new favorite sound. It was so rich and deep and made it impossible for me not to smile.

"So let me get this straight, you can kick anyone's ass, walk around buck naked, but you can't take a compliment?" He asked after he stopped laughing.

I just shrugged and looked away feeling embarrassed again. He gently grabbed my chin and turned my face to look at his. I felt my breath hitch as I looked into his eyes that still held a light from his laugh.

He slowly leaned forward and gave me the most gentle kiss. A kiss so tender it made my shriveled little heart ache. There was no lust in this kiss. It was just purely a passing of an emotion I didn't understand. My hands instinctively moved to rest on his chest while his hands moved to cup my face so gently that I felt as if I was made of glass.

He suddenly jerked back and took a step away from me. I looked at him in confusion as his face closed off and went blank. He quickly turned on his heel and stormed out. I was left in the kitchen feeling cold, empty, and very confused.

The Assassins WeaknessNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ