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After I quickly finished my shower I stepped out and toweled off. I grabbed the clothes Aurora had left for me. To my surprise I found very comfy sweatpants and a sweatshirt. I pulled them over me deciding not to put on the bra and underwear she also left out.

Bras were so uncomfortable. I only wore the silk and fancy stuff for assignments. Other than that I wore the "granny panties" and sports bra we were assigned to train in. Seeing as how the underwear she left looked like a lingerie set with a matching black lacy thong and bra, I decided it was a hard no.

I walked over and sat on the bed. My bed. I leaned back and it practically swallowed me. I'd never felt a bed this nice. Even when I got to sleep in a hotel, they weren't half as comfy as this. I felt my eyes slowly closing and jumped up. The damn thing tried to knock me out with its comfort.

I stood awkwardly in the room for a little bit. Do I wait for one of them to come get me? Or do I go back to the dining room and ask for my assignment? The meeting must be over if Enzo had come to see me. I should probably be proactive.

I open the door and follow the route I memorized back to the dining room. When I arrived I noticed the door was now open showing I was right about the meeting being over. I'm glad Dimitri was gone.

Now I don't have to see his ugly mug for a while. Not that he was actually ugly. He was pretty attractive with his pale skin, blue eyes, brown hair, and height of 5' 10". However, his nasty personality took his nine rating down to a solid five.

Now Enzo on the other hand. So far he was a solid eleven out of ten. We'll see what his personality entails. I noticed Enzo, Aurora, and two other men sitting around the table when I walked in.

I instantly took my submissive pose and said,

"Good Afternoon, how can I be of service to you?"

"We're going to test your skills. What are you comfortable training in?" The man beside Enzo asked.

"Anything you would like to see me in," I replied smoothly.

I dropped the monotone voice and was back to a normal voice. I couldn't be completely cold one second and seductive in the next. I had to act like a real human being if I was going to try to fuck Enzo or Aurora.

"Very well, what you have on is fine," the same man said.

He got up and walked to me. When he passed me and walked out the door I instantly followed him. I heard chairs scraping as the remaining three around the table stood up and followed us.

I counted our twists and turns and memorized this side of the house. When we stopped we were in a very large room that had dummies and targets set up with all kinds of weapons laid out on a table. I noticed the man that lead me reach to his waistband and pull a gun out.

"If you try anything, I will shoot you with no hesitation," he said in a cold voice.

"Of course, sir," I said while lifting my head to look into his eyes.

I wasn't planning to assassinate anyone, only get close to them. That's why I'm sure he'd see the truth in my eyes that I had no intention on causing bodily harm at the moment.

He motioned to a table that was set up with an assortment of guns and knives. I understood and instantly walked over. I picked up the first gun, loaded it, and then shot the target three times in the heart and two times in the head. My aim was so good it looked like there was only one bullet hole. I picked up every type of gun that laid on the table and continued to hit my mark perfectly every time.

The unknown man to me who wasn't the one that led me here let out a whistle.

"Damn, that's good," he said.

I noticed he had blonde hair, hazel eyes, quite a bit of muscle, and a clean shaven face. I'll call him blondie. Blondie seemed goofy and relaxed. The guy who led me here had brown hair, green eyes, and was tall and thin. He'll be called scrawny. Scrawny had a hard face and a scar on his cheek. He seemed all business and I was sure he was still very strong and toned beneath his long sleeved shirt.

I nodded my head in acknowledgement at blondies compliment before moving next to the knives. I picked each one up and threw them with deadly accuracy. Of course they hit the dummies hearts and heads every time. If I had missed one I'm sure my back would ache from the memory of whip lashes.

After I had thrown all of them I turned to look at them. Enzo eyed me up and down before motioning to a mat that was in the center of the room. I walked over to it and he said,

"Alright Mateo, you're up,"

I saw blondie walking towards me and getting on the mat. I guess blondie is Mateo. I eyed him up and down and noticed he put more pressure on his left knee than right even though he held a stance that showed he was right handed. He must have an old injury on the right knee.

Mateo came at me quickly, I ducked under his attack and hit his right knee hard with a quick kick. He was instantly on his left knee groaning in pain. I took the opportunity to go behind him and put him in a choke hold. After about 30 seconds of him thrashing and struggling and landing on his back trying to squish me, he gave three taps on my arm.

I let go and stood up looking at him. You can't ever let your guard down. Just because he tapped out, doesn't mean he won't lunge again.

"Shit girl how'd you do that so fast?" Mateo asked.

"I saw you favored your left knee and figured your weakness was your right," I replied

He raised his eyebrows in surprise before his face turned to impressed.

"Well damn Enzo, I think I like her," Mateo said.

The Assassins WeaknessWhere stories live. Discover now