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"Ronan asked who you were to me," Enzo began to explain. "After I told him his boss, Declan, made one of the conditions for tonight's meeting your company."

I felt like I'd been punched in the gut. I'm going tonight so Enzo can whore me out.

"Of course, sir," I instinctively slipped into my monotone.

Enzo's eyebrows furrowed. I don't know why I feel like it's hard to breathe. I've been whored out dozens and dozens of time. Why is this time any different? Is it because he kissed me so sweetly before telling me? Is it because the way he'd asked if I would go made it almost seem like I actually had a choice?

"I need to change, sir," I informed him as I pushed back my chair and stood.

"No you don't, you look beautiful in what you have on," Enzo said.

"Thank you, sir. I meant my underwear."

"Oh," was the only answer I received.

I didn't wait to be dismissed, I turned and left. A hallow feeling settled over me as I got back up to the room assigned to me. I chose a green lingerie set that brought out the tanned hue to my skin. I took my throwing stars out of my bra and left them behind.

By the time I got back to Enzo's office I was completely settled and past whatever emotion had tried to take me over. When his guards let me through I walked right back to the same chair and sat, waiting for him to finish my makeup.

"Are you okay?" Enzo asked as he settled across from me.

"Of course, sir," I answered with a smile. "The first time I met Ronan I actually thought it wouldn't be so bad if I had to fuck him. I'll bet it will be the same with Declan"

Enzo's whole body tensed. He looked like he was in pain.

"So bad?" He questioned.

"Yes, Ronan's quite handsome, still has all his hair, and Scottish accents are my favorite," I explained.

"But if you went tonight with no expectations and Declan invited you back to his room, would you choose to go?"

"Why does that matter?" I asked.

"Just answer the question, please." Enzo said in a strained voice.

"I don't know," I admitted.

Enzo's jaw clenched and several emotions ran through his eyes.

"Give me a yes or no," he demanded gently.

"I - I don't know. I've never had to choose."

"You've never had to choose," Enzo echoed in a hallow voice.

"How do you even decide? If they're nice to you? If they're charming?"

"So the advances I've made towards you and you've made towards me?" Enzo asked.

"Well, you're my master. My job is to make you happy," I pointed out.

Enzo pushed his chair back and stood so abruptly that it toppled over backwards. He looked like he was going to throw up.

"Enzo? What is it? Are you actually sick?" I asked as I grabbed the trash can and held it up for him.

"Christ, May."

"Why don't we reschedule once you get over this flu," I said quickly.

"I don't have the fucking flu!" Enzo exploded.

I froze as he sucked in deep breaths, trying to calm down.

"I feel sick because you just told me I've sexually assaulted you multiple times," he finally got out.

"No, no of course you haven't. If I didn't want you on me I could have easily maneuvered you off me," I clarified.

"That's not the only way, May. I hold power over you. Fuck, you're so brainwashed I should've known you were thinking like that."

Enzo ran his hands through his hair.

"You were right. I'm not any better than the Volkov's. I've been sitting here on my high horse for days convincing myself tonight would be okay. Tonight would be worth it because an uncomfortable night for you was much less important than Aurora's happiness. I've been telling myself I'm giving you a good life when I've actually been -" Enzo cut himself off.

He began to pace in front of the door. He looked so distraught over the thought of hurting me. I tried to look for the signs of deception. The tells I learned to pick out when watching the other assassins lie. I couldn't find a single one.

"Yes," I blurted.

"Yes?" He asked.

"Yes," I confirmed. "An uncomfortable night for me is worth Aurora's happiness. I would say yes to anyone if I knew it meant she could keep some of her innocence."

"May, I can't - I - you're staying here tonight," Enzo said, pausing his pacing.

"I'm not. I may not know what reasons normal people have for sex. I know that this is a good reason for me," I said, stubbornly.

Enzo ran a hand down his face.

"I can't let you do this, May," he said.

I stepped forward and gently gripped his wrist. This is almost too perfect an opportunity for me to gain trust.

"I want to, Enzo. Let me say thank you in a way I know how to. Thank you for letting me eat real food, thank you for letting me go on my runs, thank you for letting me bake and do something I enjoyed for the first time since I was twelve. It may not seem like a lot and I know I've been ungrateful lately, but you really have given me a better life. Let me say thank you."

Enzo's gaze softened. He gently brushed my hair behind my ear.

"On one condition," he said.


"From now on you say no. To assignments, to me, to anything you don't want to do. You say no," he spoke softly.

"I - but - you're my owner," I said confused.

"Yes, but you're a person, May. I want you to be able to be a person."

I searched his eyes. I'm not stupid enough to believe he means it. Maybe he does in theory, but I know better. The first time our want's conflict I'll pay for it. If this is what allows him to open up to me than one word with no meaning doesn't matter.


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