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I tried to shake Enzo out of my brain as I continued down to the kitchen. As soon as I walked in I saw Ant nervously fidgeting with his fingers. His eyes snapped to mine and then widened as he looked me up and down.

"Oh wow, you look, well, you look beautiful," he got out nervously.

I gave him a gentle smile and a blush before timidly thanking him. Learning to blush on command was one of the few things I didn't immediately excel at during training. I did eventually master it of course.

Ant got up and pulled a chair out for me. I walked over and sat down before he gently pushed me in and scurried to his seat across from me, his cheeks tinged pink.

"You look handsome," I said sincerely.

Ant wore black slacks and a green polo tucked in with his hair looking wetted and combed.

"Oh, thank you." He replied the red color deepening.

I gave him a small smile before I picked up my silverware ready to dig in.

"May," an annoyed voice called out.

I looked up to see Lorenzo in the doorway. I quickly stood and got into my pose.

"Enzo wants to see you in his office. Now." He bit out before turning on his heel and marching off.

I looked over at Ant to see a bewildered look on his face. I quickly matched it before he turned to look at me and we both let out soft laughs.

"I guess duty calls, but rain check?" I asked him.

He immediately nodded looking disappointed but not protesting as I walked out and towards Enzo.

When I arrived at the doorway to Enzo's office one of the guards touched his ear before relating the message to Enzo that I was here. After listening for a little bit he looked at me.

"Boss will be ready for you in a minute," He relayed.

My shoulders stiffened. Enzo called me away from Ant to make me wait. There's no way this wasn't on purpose. Did he not want me getting close to Ant because he knows valuable stuff? Or does he just not want me getting close to any of his people? Or, did I just get here faster than he anticipated and this is a coincidence?

Before I could think further one of the guards opened the door and motioned for me to walk in. When I entered Enzo was sitting at his desk in a black suit. His white dress shirt underneath has three buttons undone showing off the top of his chest.

God damn.

"Have a good brunch?" Enzo asked smugly.

Well, now I know he interrupted it on purpose or was at least happy it was interrupted by business. I decided to roll with it.

"Yes, it was actually really nice," I replied letting a blush purposefully creep on my cheeks.

Enzo's whole body stiffened and a glare took over his eyes. When I play games of seduction I don't just figure out what clothes the target would like. I read them and I figure out what personality type they're drawn to.

This blushing, sweet, sun dress wearing type was certainly Ant. However, Enzo reacted in a pretty positive way to it earlier if being being pushed into a wall was any indication. So it was worth a shot now.

"How wonderful to hear," he practically grit out.

"What is it I can do for you, sir?" I asked keeping my timid voice and doe eyes.

Rather than reacting positively, Enzo seemed like he thought this personality was down right mortifying.

"I have a new assignment for you. If you're healed enough." He said

"Healed?" I asked.

"Your thighs," he said blankly.

"Right, sorry sir. Yes, I believe makeup should be able to cover them at this point."

Rich prick really didn't put the knife in too deep. They only stung when I was moving and flexing my muscles now.

"Yes, but are they healed enough?" He asked.

"Healed enough for what?" I asked.

Didn't I just tell him we can cover them.

"For them not to hurt." He said incredulously

"Oh, yes." I answered.

Why did the pain amount matter?

"Good, I'll be giving you an address and you're going to kill two people." He said casually like we were speaking about the weather.

"Yes, sir," I said easily.

I never can decide if I like the killing or the fucking better. I guess it depends on who it's with for both. When it's scum I get to kill it's almost enjoyable and definitely more so than the other side. However, I'd rather fuck a person or two than kill people that left me with guilt sitting heavily in my stomach.

"Good, here are the details," Enzo said sliding a folder at me.

*    *    *    *    *    *    *    *

I'm about to traumatize the fuck out of a child. At least I don't have to kill him. Plus, he's young enough that this memory might fade. Hopefully.

I sat on a roof top building with my sniper set up and pointed into the apartment building of the Amato family. The mother of the family works for Enzo's family, the Esponito's, but has been selling secrets on the side to any other mafia family that will buy.

One look at their folder easily told me why. Their four year old son has leukemia and the treatments do not come cheap. Unfortunately for her, it would've been safer to raise money by selling her kidney on the black market or something else equally wild.

I lined up my site as I looked at the scrawny weak four year old attached to oxygen sitting between his mom and dad on the couch. I'll have to be careful to keep any shots sways from that oxygen tank. I lined up the bullseye with Mr. Amato's head and angled a way that I can get two birds with one stone.

I breathed in, felt the stirrings of guilt in my stomach, watched them laugh at something on the TV, breathed out, and pulled the trigger. I didn't let myself flinch away as I watched my bullet fly through the window, through Mr Amato's head, through Mrs. Amato's head, and into the wall. I watched as the small child looked shocked, his parents blood splattered on him, before he began to scream.

I let out a sigh and leaned away. I methodically packed my stuff away and cleaned any trace of myself off the rooftop. The cops would be able to tell where they were sniped from by the angle, but I wasn't going to leave them any bread crumbs to follow from there.

As I walked down the stairs I breathed in and out, in and out, I was almost somewhere I could let it out. In and out, in and out. I walked into the lobby of the building with my "guitar" case and calmly walked towards the bathroom.

I entered the stall before promptly falling to my knees and emptying my stomach.

The Assassins WeaknessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora