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The world stilled for a second. Two. Three.

"Oh," I said.

All the things I told Zahra today played through my mind. I was honest about everything, and I made sure not to say anything incriminating since I assumed Enzo would be watching. If others saw it there wouldn't be any harm to my mission.

"Oh?" Enzo began. "That's it? Just 'oh'. Aren't you even the least bit angry?"

"I didn't think it was a private conversation in the first place," I explained.

Enzo sighed and ran a hand down his face.

"I told you your sessions with Dr Durrani were confidential," he reminded.

I gave a little shrug. Enzo huffed in frustration.

"I'm really sorry, May," Ant suddenly spoke. "One of my friends kept trash talking you. I tried to tell him that you had a rough upbringing and you weren't some naturally heartless person. I only sent it to him for proof. I didn't realize he would send it to the group chat."

"The group chat?" I questioned.

"With all the people that guard the house," Ant explained.

For some reason I felt a little....uncomfortable. Which was strange.

"Antonio," Enzo bit out, pointing to the door.

"Wait, he doesn't need to be punished," I defended.

"Yes, he does," Enzo said.

"Why? He hasn't hurt anyone," I tried again.

Enzo's jaw flexed and his shoulders tightened.

"May, you don't decide how I treat my men. Antonio, now."

Enzo's tone left no room for discussion. I watched Ant crawl out of the bed and leave the room. Enzo didn't follow right away.

"I'm sorry that I didn't think things through when I ordered your session to take place in your room today," he said.

Before I could respond he was out the door. I was left with my mouth hanging open. I don't think anyone's ever apologized like that to me before.

* * * * *

The next day Fran showed up and told me I was allowed out of my room. Apparently Aurora decided to go back home to Italy for a get away. I threw on clothes and sprinted out of the room to make it in time for the morning training. At least Fran is an early riser and let me know before instead of after.

I pretended I didn't notice the long glances everyone gave me. The furrowed brows, the pity in their eyes. It made my skin crawl. Instead I focused on the burn and pull of muscles as I worked.

I tried to ignore the slight worry when Ant never showed up. Training was almost over when one of the trainees approached me. He looked me up and down, searching.

"Take off your shirt," he demanded.

"No, thanks," I answered easily.

He wasn't my master, I owed him nothing. He scoffed and turned to a group of others behind him.

"See, I told you she was making shit up," he called back to them. "If her scars were real she'd show us."

It was my turn to scoff. I'd worn a sports bra to training before. It's not my fault he has the observation skills of an excited golden retriever. Before I could retort Enzo was a step in front of me looking down at the trainee.

"Speak to her like that again and I might just let her do a demonstration of her past treatment on you," Enzo said.

My breath hitched. A warmth settled into my stomach. The trainee instantly began to apologize and grovel to an unimpressed looking Italian Don. The warmth turned to heat.

Everyone dispersed and left the room. Enzo motioned for me to follow as he lead me outside to run. He was about to take off around the loop when I grabbed his wrist. Before I could think through what I was doing I placed a hand on the back of his neck and pushed to my toes.

Our lips met and the heat in my stomach turned to fire. My whole body buzzed alive in a way I'd never experienced. Enzo yanked back. He put a hand over his mouth.

"What the hell, May?" He said, angry.

"I -you-" I was at a loss for words.

"I told you not to do that anymore!" He exclaimed.

"No, you just told me not to do it if I didn't want to," I defended.

There was a pause.

"You wanted to do that," he clarified.

I nodded.

"Why did you want to do that?" He asked.

"I - well, when you defended me it felt really....nice. Then, when he was apologizing you looked so Don like and I- there was a heat in my stomach that I'd never felt but I just wanted to- I felt like kissing you," I struggled to explain.

"A heat in your stomach? Are you trying to tell me that you just felt horny for the first time in your life?" Enzo asked incredulously.

A shock went through me. I'd read about the feeling in books. How I felt was how it's always described.

"Maybe?" I admitted uncertainly.

Enzo just stared at me, unmoving. I felt embarrassment for the first time in years. Not sure what else to do, I turned and started to run. A couple of footfalls later I heard Enzo join in. We said nothing as we looped around the mansion eight times, Enzo always staying a couple of feet behind me. 

I started to walk when the mansion came into view on the final lap. Enzo almost ran past me before he slowed to a walk, too. He walked by my side. There was a new awkwardness between us that followed us all the way up the stairs to the main floor.

When I headed to the kitchen for breakfast I thought he would disappear into his room but he followed me. Silently. My muscles tensed and coiled. I walked in and sat at the island. Enzo sat beside me. Fran turned around from her cooking to eye us. Ever perceptive, she seemed to realize something was going on instantly.

"What on earth did you do now, Enzo," she said in a scolding tone, hand on her hip.

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