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Enzo and Lorenzo have been staring at me for approximately ten minutes. Ten zero, it's starting to creep by slowly. Nothing has been said since my explanation. There's something akin to horror plastered onto their faces. A part of me wants to laugh. They do look a little ridiculous.

"Okay, well I think I'm going to take a little snooze now," I finally broke the silence.

"A nap, you're going to take a nap. You're on your way to be raped and tortured to death and you're going to take a FUCKING NAP?" Enzo's voice boomed louder with each word.

"Yes, sir."

Lorenzo and Enzo shared a look. Their eyes seemed to say they thought I was crazy.

"May, are you telling the truth about this?" Lorenzo's voice was filled with disbelief.

"What would I gain by lying? I'm on my way back whether you care about what happens to me or not at this point." I shrugged.

"Why didn't you tell me about this before?" Enzo questioned.

"I would either get your pity or I would see how much you didn't give a shit. Neither sounded good to me."

"You thought I wouldn't give a shit?" He sounded incredulous.

"Why would you?"

"Why wou- because you're a god damn human being. Jesus Christ, May." Enzo raked his hands through his hair.

"Yeah, but I'm just me." I said confused.

"We can't. Enzo you know we can't." Lorenzo's voice sounded strained.

"Fuck, I know. Fuck." Enzo looked ready to tear his hair out.

"Can't what?" I questioned with apprehension.

"Can't let you go back." A dejected sounding Lorenzo replied.

Can't let me go back? They were going to keep me? My heart leaped. I was going to live. I was going to make it. No, no hope. Lock it up, shove it down. They wouldn't turn a whole plane around for my sake. This must be a trick. They'll promise me refuge if I give them answers.

I can't. If I give answers my fate will be even worse. Dimitri knows me, he raised me. He'd use John against me. That would be so, so much worse. I'd rather face my own end a hundred time than watch John face it once. God I'm a fucking idiot. If only I could turn off my heart, rip it from my chest. How did I let things get this messy?

I can't believe I'd considered that I might want to unlearn Dimitri's influence. I can't believe I forgot about John and what he might do to him. I really need to get my head out of my ass.

"May, we can go back to New York, if it's what you want," Enzo offered.

"No. I won't make a deal with you or tell you anything. You might as well take me back."

"You don't have to.....I'm not.....there's no conditions, okay? We'll find you something to do once we get back." Enzo looked exhausted.

I wonder if this was a manipulation tactic? Make me feel like he cares or I can trust them? Even Lorenzo said they couldn't take me back. The Volkov's said the main way the Italians would try to manipulate us is by being "nice".

My whole body stilled as I looked out the window. God, I'm a fucking idiot. I looked where the sun was in the sky and realized we were flying south. Going to Russia would be North East or North West. We shouldn't be moving South at all.

This was to get me to talk. Enzo threatened to return me to get me to fucking talk. They have no intention to return me today. They just brought me on the plane assuming I wouldn't notice we were going the wrong way. Like a fucking idiot I didn't at first.

I'll bet he's waiting for me to beg. Do I go along with it? Do I let him know I've caught on? Do I wait and see how long he keeps this charade up until we land somewhere? Fuck. I guess now I at least know for sure that he's playing games. This kindness means nothing. His generosity means nothing. Like a stupid lamb in a lions den I've let myself be tricked. Here I thought I was the mighty hunter.

Lorenzo firing question after question at me makes sense. I did lower my guard thinking I'd never see them again. They predicted it and they used it. Thank god I didn't send word to Dimitri yet. He would be furious to know I let my guard down enough to be tricked.

"What do you mean you'll find me something when we get back?" I asked Enzo.

"I mean we'll figure it out. We won't force you into anything."

"No? Just trick me into it I imagine."

Lorenzo's hand instantly rested on his gun at my lethal tone.

"What are you talking about, May?" Enzo had an edge to his voice. Whether it was fear or anger I couldn't tell. I'm sick of not being able to tell when it comes to him.

"I'm talking about our heading, Enzo. I imagine Russia would be a lot warmer if it was this close to the equator."

"Wouldn't that be nice. Winters are a bitch you know." Enzo tried to joke.

"Yeah, yeah they are," my voice came out as quiet as a whisper.

I let my body fall back and slump into the chair. I've bared too much of myself to them. Maybe I'll let them think they've gotten to me. Let them think they've had the last laugh. So what if Fran, Ant, Mateo, and Aurora are caught in the cross hairs. I will keep myself and John safe first. That's the only thing I can do. We're the o lot two that matter.

"I think I'll take that nap now." I let the despair and hopelessness I'd felt for so many years slip into my voice.

"Come, there's a bed in the back." Enzo held his hand out for me.

I slipped my hand into his and let him lead me to the tail of the plane. He opened a door to reveal a queen sized bed. I walked forward and crawled under the blankets.

"Do you need anything," Enzo asked while rubbing a hand on the back of his neck.

"I want to know...I need to know. Was it all fake? Everything?" I let my voice come out broken. Let him see a dejected and tired face.

"Get some sleep," was the only answer I received.

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