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I snuck into the guard room while they were between shifts and set up a loop on their computer system a few hours ago. Since then it's been a waiting game. Now, it's time to move.

I began grabbing the weapons I had "acquired" and hidden around my room. I think my main weapon will have to be my body and my belt. I know plenty of pressure points that should allow me to temporarily paralyze or knock out The Esponito's guards. The two knives strapped to my thighs, gun tucked around my waist, and throwing stars placed in my bra were simply for emergency backup.

Once I was satisfied with my clothes and setup I opened my door. The two guards waiting there, who had begun to get comfortable with me, merely glanced back.

"It's a late night ice cream run kinda day," I said with a relaxed smile.

The man on the right turned around and began to make his way down the stair's automatically. The woman on the left however, took in my tight leather body suit and knives. At least she knew what she was doing. Before she could voice her suspicions I slammed a fist into her temple.

I felt kind of bad, but I had a task to do. The thud her body made as it hit the ground alerted the man. He whipped around eyes going wide at the position he saw me in. Before he could open his mouth to alert others I moved forward and wrapped my belt around his throat. I stepped behind him and jammed a knee into his kidney so he couldn't push me off or throw an elbow at me. Once he began to slump I quickly removed the belt and eased him onto the floor. Hopefully the two of them would stay out for a while.

I blended with the shadows as I headed for where I suspected Enzo's room was. I'd never actually been in there, but I watched him walk up to the top most floor multiple times. I'd never seen anyone else go up there so I assume it must be his floor. Privileges of being the boss.

I had waited until I knew the guards patrolling wouldn't be in this path so I was glad that it was all clear. The only other obstacles would be the two guards at the bottom of the stairs, and the two at the top.

When I reached the staircase I stepped out of the shadows and jammed my elbow into the man's pressure point that had his eyes rolling back and body slumping. His partner let out a yelp and began fumbling for his gun. I really hope no one heard that. I punched him in the throat hard enough to leave him gasping for breath, but not hard enough to crush his windpipe. While he was focused on trying to suck in a breath I brought the heel of my palm in an uppercut to his jaw.

His head snapped back and his body crumbled to the floor. Four down and two to go. I quietly made my way up the flight of stairs. The two up top would see me coming so I had to have an excuse ready. I couldn't take them by surprise. As I came into their view one of them tensed up, the other stared in surprise.

"Ant? When did you start working as a guard?" I questioned.

"May, what are you doing here in the middle of the night?"

"I got a text from Enzo saying he needed me locked and loaded and to meet in his room," I quickly lied.

Ant nodded immediately accepting my words. The other guard did not.

"Why didn't he tell us so we'd know to let you through?"

"Fuck if I know. I just do what I'm told," I tried to add some humor.

It didn't help. The guard began to reach up to his ear to contact someone. I couldn't let that happen. I grabbed my gun out and pointed it at the guard. He immediately froze with his hand inches from his communication device.

"May?" Ant questioned.

I walked closer before pistol whipping the other guard into unconsciousness. That's going to leave a bump and a mean headache in the morning.

I glanced up at Ant to see him staring in shock. I felt a small twinge of guilt as I threw a kick to his gut so I could go behind him and place a choke hold around his throat.

"Never hesitate, even if it's someone you don't expect," I whispered quietly into his ear as he tried to thrash against me. After a short time of fighting, his body slumped.

I quickly left the trail of bodies behind me and headed for the largest door straight ahead. When I opened it I was met with a gorgeous room that had floor to ceiling windows on both sides. I tucked away my opinions of the room and focused on the ginormous bed sat in the middle of it. I quickly took off my weapons and made sure to get the throwing stars out of my bra.

I made my way to the bed surprised that Enzo could sleep through someone entering his room. I could never be able to do that. I placed my knees on the edge of the bed and began to crawl to the middle. My heart began thumping. It was so loud it amazed me that it didn't wake the whole house. I hardly remember a time it did this.

I reached Enzo's wrapped up figure and gently straddled him. My fingers brushed through his hair before gently tracing down to his chest. I pushed them out to trail down his arms. He let out a small moan in his sleep as my fingers traced back up.

I let them drift up to his face that I gently cupped. I began to gently brush my thumbs along his defined cheek bones. Before I thought through what I was doing one hand moved down so it rested gently on his throat while my thumb brushed over his beautiful lips.

Suddenly, Enzo's eyes began to flutter open.

"May? What are you doing?"

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