New Plan

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Oh shit.
Oh fuck.
What the hell did I just do?

"Enzo, sir. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," I quickly groveled.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! I haven't had an emotional outburst like that since I was a child. He'll give me to his men. He knows exactly what to do to make me pay for this.

He said nothing. He did nothing. Enzo just stood there, staring at me. His chest heaved as he sucked in quick, deep breaths over and over. I dropped to my knees in front of him. I bent over and pushed my throbbing nose to the ground. I'm fucked, I'm so fucked.

"Get up, May," he said, voice hoarse.

"I'm sorry, sir. Please forgive me. I'm so sorry," I pleaded to the ground.

"Get. Up," he bit out.

I quickly pushed to my feet. I kept my head down and clasped shaking hands behind my back.

"Go to your room. I'll send someone with food in a little bit," Enzo commanded.

"Yes, sir," I said, voice back to monotone.

I left the room without risking a glance at his face. I scurried to the room I'm assigned and sank onto the bed. What was he going to do? Is he taking extra time to think of the worst punishment? I insulted him. I yelled at him.

The one time I yelled at Dimitri I was fourteen years old. To punish me he brought a man in. He made me watch as that man raped John with no protection or lube. It was the first time John ever had sex with a man. I spent hours cleaning up the blood and holding him as he cried after. I never raised my voice again.

Before I could fall farther down the rabbit hole of memories a knock sounded at the door. My whole body tensed.

"Come in," I hollered.

I watched as Ant walked in holding a tray. How clever of Enzo. I let him know it bothered me that Ant wasn't allowed to talk to me. Now he'll use him for my punishment. With the sweet moments Enzo doles out I forget he's the leader of a mafia. He must have a truly sadistic mind hiding somewhere.

"I brought you lunch," Ant informed me.

"Thank you, sir," I monotoned.

I watched Ant set the the tray at my feet at the edge of the bed.

"When you agreed to brunch with me it was to integrate into the mafia, not because you liked me wasn't it?" He asked.

"Yes," I admitted.

He knows my true nature after I knocked him unconscious. He might even relish whatever punishment he's been ordered to give me.

"And the fighting tips? The funny faces during training?" He questioned.

I hesitated before admitting, "Some of it."

"Some of it?"

"You are quite easy to be around," I conceded.

"Have I ever actually been around you?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, confusion swirling through my mind.

"I mean have you ever showed me your actual personality?"

"I don't think I have one," I admitted.

I've been trained to adjust to whoever's speaking to me for so long.

"Well, I suppose we'll figure that out," he said as he crawled onto the bed.

My whole body tensed as he settled himself beside me. There was about a foot of space between us when he glanced over at me.

"What show should we watch with lunch?"

I blinked.


"Do you have a favorite show?" He tried again.

"What about my punishment?" I dared to question.

Ants brows furrowed.

"Enzo didn't say anything about a punishment. He just told me you needed a friend and he didn't mean to take that away from you," Ant said like it wasn't a world shaking statement.

What was the angle for this? It must be the same as the therapist. Choose someone I can open up to and have them pass along the message.

"Whatever you want is fine with me," I said casually.

My head is mayhem. Is this the 'niceness' Dimitri told John and I the Esponito's would use. First Enzo gently tucks me into bed, then he gets me a therapist, and now a friend. I know I can't trust it. I may have been confused before the plane, but I know I can't trust this.

How have my thoughts on Enzo become so scrambled in twenty four hours? I was so sure that stone faced man was the real him yesterday, but now?

"How does this look?" Ant asked, pointing at something in the tv in front of me.

"Perfect," I replied.

I watched the show. Or tried to at least. Instead my mind was going over every interaction I've ever had with Enzo. It brought to light a very interesting theory. Enzo has a thing for me. Yes, I thought that in the beginning, but I was thinking physical. Now I'm thinking beyond that.

After my assignment with the creepy American that cut my thighs Enzo seemed genuinely concerned. He held back from going farther than my pleasure that night. When I went to get ice cream his red dressed hookup was finding her way out. I had worn a similar red dress that night. He seemed angry at me then. Maybe, he was angry at himself. He wanted me but didn't trust me enough to have me.

His treatment toward Ant screamed jealousy. The kiss Enzo and I shared in the kitchen was sweet but he had yanked back. Likely afraid of whatever emotion he felt towards me. Ever since then he's been extra distant. The woman in his office last night had an almost identical dress to mine. He didn't seem angry until I'd bent down to pick up Auroras phone. I had to turn and show him my ass to do that.

Then, there's his anger at my spilled secret. It obviously wasn't directed at me since I wasn't punished. Enzo was angry at the Volkov's for me. If all of this isn't purposefully orchestrated, I can use it.

I can lean into the therapy and Ants friendship. I can seem like I'm improving and getting better. I can ease up enough for him to start to trust me. If his affection becomes more outward I'll know then that I'm right.

I think I finally have a good plan.

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