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I'm boarding the plane. It's really fucking happening. I'm going back. At least I'll get to see John again. I hope. Dimitri wouldn't keep me from saying goodbye would he? Who am I kidding, that's the exact kind of punishment he would see fitting. Asshole.

It's fine though, everything's fine. I'll just shut down. I've done it plenty of times, I'm sure I can do it again. In fact, every sexual encounter I've had I've floated away from in my mind. Except with john and Enzo of course.

Enzo. I guess this is the last I'm going to see of him. It's definitely for the best. Being around him has thrown me off my game for some reason. It's not even like he's overly kind to me. He's been so hot and cold and I would bet a majority of it - no, all of it, has been just to toy with me.

He's not dumb, he knows I had an ulterior motive here. Just like the dumb ass I am, I let him get under my skin. Now I'm flying to my death. It's fine. I got to glimpse a real life for the first time since I was twelve.

If I could do my time here all over again I would make sure to enjoy the little moments. Baking with Fran, talking with Aurora, teaching Ant, sparring with Mateo, cards with the guards, even my days running with Lorenzo. He may be a grump, but he was starting to grow on me.

This is enough. I've lived a long twenty three years. Just a little bit of suffering left and then I can rest. It's going to be okay. I'll be okay.

"Everything in your room belongs to you. You don't want to bring more things?" Enzo pulled me from my train of thought.

"No, I won't need it. Thank you for the generosity," I returned with a small smile.

"Based off what I've seen the Volkov's don't give you many luxuries. Are you sure you don't want to bring some back with you?"

"I'm sure," I replied simply.

No sense telling him I'll be dead by the time I could use the whole container of fancy conditioner. Besides, I'm not making myself any more appealing than necessary, in smell, looks, or action. The sick fucks I'm headed for don't deserve that.

"I have questions," Lorenzo's voice piped up right after we got in the air.

The plane held Lorenzo, Enzo, a pilot, a stewardess, and me. Mateo and Aurora stayed behind to run things.

"There's nothing better to do so ask away."

"How many people have you killed?" Lorenzo started off strong.

"I stopped counting after the first hundred," I answered honestly.

"How old were you when you killed your first person?"


"How old were you when you had sex the first time?"


"And how many people have you slept with?"

"Honestly, I never really counted that. I imagine I'm somewhere near the eighties."

"Eighty, like eight zero?" A wide eyed Enzo piped in.

"Yes, sir."

"So how have you not gotten pregnant, yet?" Lorenzo continued with his questions.

"Dimitri had us fixed before we started bedroom training."

"Fixed?" Enzo said with eyes even wider.

"You know, sterilized. A vaginal hysterectomy so I don't have periods that will get in the way of an assignment either."

I saw something akin to pity flash across Lorenzo's face before he continued. "Why did you choose to go into the Volkov's service?"

"I didn't."

"What do you mean you didn't? Dimitri said you all volunteered for it," Enzo cut in once again.

"I suppose I did," I replied shortly.

"What do you mean you suppose," Lorenzo jumped in.

I simply shrugged. They're no longer my owners. I don't have to answer any of their questions. I'm not about to put myself through my final memories of my family for the sake of their curiosity.

"Can I ask some questions?" I changed the topic.

Lorenzo gave me a wary look and a nod.

"Why do you dislike me so much?" I know it's a silly unimportant question, but I want to know.

"You can fuck right off with that shit," he barked out.

I guess I'm done asking questions.

"If you didn't choose to join Dimitri's ranks then why are you so loyal to him?" Enzo broke the awkward silence.

I hesitated. That's an excellent question.

"I guess the brain washing stuck at some point," I said with a shrug.

"You're aware you're brainwashed?" Lorenzo said with true curiosity.

"I suppose so. Knowing I'm brain washed and knowing how to undo it are two different animals though."

"Do you even want to undo it?" Lorenzo questioned.

"There's not enough time left."

I wonder if they had asked that question a month ago if my answer would be different. I'd like to think so. I feel like a beaten dog who continues to stay loyal and loving to its owner.

"Why wouldn't there be enough time?" Enzo's brows furrowed.

Shit. I'm getting too relaxed. It may be my last day with them, but that doesn't mean they can know everything.

"I'm heading back to him today. Nothing will change while I'm under his command," I recovered.

"That's bullshit. I'm not going to dance around it anymore. The way you reacted in my office and the slip just now mean something. What's he going to do to you?" Enzo pressed.

"Why does it matter? You don't have to worry about me being damaged goods now that I'm not your property anymore."

"That's how you see yourself? Property?" Enzo's fists tightened and his jaw clenched.

"It's what I am." He acted like that wasn't obvious.

"You do realize you're a person don't you?" Lorenzo cut in haughtily.

"Yes, I'm aware I'm a person. That doesn't change the fact that I'm property."

"If you're property than I'm still your owner for the next few hours. Now you will tell me what Dimitri is going to do you when you return." Enzo demanded.

I sighed. I suppose that is true. I have a feeling this plane ride is about to get awkward.

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