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Enzo stared at me, mouth open. Slowly he stood from the bed. He walked to where I threw my sweatshirt on the floor and picked it up. I watched, confused, as he handed it to me.

"Put it on," he commanded.

I obeyed.

Enzo took the belt from my hands and I made my muscles relax. It would only hurt worse if I was tensed up. Except, he didn't use it. He disappeared into my closet and then came back out empty handed.

Did he have something else in mind? Enzo took my hand in his and lead me to the side of the bed. He lifted the covers and looked at me expectantly.

Oh god I'm an idiot. I'm such a fucking idiot. I spoon fed him one of my worst nightmares. Now he knows how to punish me. Now he knows what will really hurt. Physical pain is easy to live with. I didn't even care how much my nose would hurt when it gets shoved in the pillow. All I could do was shake.

"May, what is it?" Enzo asked gently.

"Nothing, sir," I said in monotone.

Maybe if I pretend it doesn't phase me he'll lose interest in the idea. I crawled into the bed and rested on my stomach. I took one last deep breath before I shoved my face into the pillow and lifted my hips. I'll just focus on the pain and nothing else.

A hand grabbed my shoulder and rolled me over onto my back.

"What the hell are you doing?" Enzo hissed.

"Preparing for my punishment, sir."

"You're not getting punished!" He snapped.

I blinked at him.

"But you're angry," I said, my voice sounding small to my own ears.

"Not at you," he said softer this time.

That couldn't be right. If he wasn't mad at me than he was mad for me. There's no way that was true. I said nothing as he pulled the blankets up around me and gently brushed the hair from my face.

"Get some sleep. You're excused from training tomorrow."

I still couldn't speak as he turned around and left the room. What the hell?

*     *     *     *     *

My head hurt. It hurt like a bitch. I felt nauseous and my mouth tasted disgusting. Still, it's probably the best hangover I've ever had. Sure my nose is still sore, but that's the only pain in my body.

I rolled out of bed and headed for the bathroom. I needed a shower and a teeth brushing. Once I finished those I made my way downstairs. It was oh seven hundred so training would be over by now. I probably should have set an alarm and gone anyway. It's too late now. Hopefully Enzo wasn't testing me when he said I didn't have to go.

I'm not sure what card to play anymore. Enzo said to cut out the depression. If I truly was depressed that wouldn't be enough to stop it, though. It took Dimitri nearly a year of beating it out of me when I was a teen. Even then that didn't work. It was by threatening John that I finally snapped out of it and got my shit together.

Enzo knows too much at this point. After my confession last night, and knowing what will happen if I'm returned to Dimitri, I don't know if I dare disobey him. That might be shameful of me but the fear that started when I thought I was going back to Russia is harder to shake than I thought it would be. It seems to be trampling me over everything now.

I walked into the kitchen and almost ran straight into Fran.

"May! What are you doing up so early, sweetheart? Enzo said you and Aurora would be sleeping the day away," she exclaimed.

"Morning Fran," I grumbled out.

She giggled at that before she raced over to the fridge. She was back in front of me in a flash with a disgusting looking green drink.

"Here, sweetie. My hangover cure," Fran informed me.

I thanked her and took it gratefully. I sat at the island in the middle of the kitchen and began to sip on the smoothie. Before I could protest Fran sat a plate of eggs, sausage, toast, and bacon in front of me. When I opened my mouth to try she shot me a glare and pushed the plate closer to me.

Not wanting to break her good mood I began to shovel the food into my mouth while she continued her magic in the kitchen. The plate was halfway gone when Enzo stepped into the room.

"You're up early," he commented.

"I said the same thing," Fran agreed without missing a beat of her work.

"Good morning, sir," I greeted, monotone.

It's best to keep any emotion hidden away until I can gauge what he wants.

"Did you sleep okay?" Enzo asked softly as he sat in the chair beside me.

I tried not to react to the concern on his face. I know how easily that can be faked.

"Yes. Thank you, sir" I replied, letting some warmth seep into my voice.

"Good. You and I need to have a conversation. Once you're finished with breakfast come see me in my office," he said kindly yet firmly.

"Yes, sir."

The second Enzo was out of the room the nausea came. I stared down at the food left on my plate. How the hell could I force myself to eat when I didn't know what I was about to face.

"I'm sure it's nothing bad, sweetie," Fran consoled.

My head jerked up in shock. I'd let my guard down. Fran was able to look at me and tell exactly what I was thinking. I forced a small smile her way before I threw away the rest of my food and placed my dishes in the dishwasher.

The only person that's been able to tell what I was thinking in the last seven years was John. Sure Fran was attentive, but I'd let someone see me vulnerable. I'd let someone see me vulnerable for the second time in twelve hours. 

What the hell was wrong with me?

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