The Scottish

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Enzo and Aurora sat outside in an SUV while I was inside a hotel ballroom. A hotel that probably cost more to stay at than what Dimitri payed for me. It was even more impressive than the Esponito's crazy ass mansion. The chandelier alone looked like it could pay for a house. A nice fucking house.

Even though I just wanted to look around and marvel at this place I made sure to look like it was no big deal. Every person here made at least a million a year. I wasn't about to let it slip I wasn't one of them when I had a job to do.

I spotted my target after twenty minutes of pretending to sip at the fancy drink in my hand. I don't think I would've minded if I did have to fuck him, he was pretty handsome. He looked to be around thirty five with startling green eyes and brown hair. He wasn't even close to being as muscular as Enzo, but you could tell he would look nice naked.

I'm not sure why my mind was comparing the two men but I just brushed it aside as I left my drink at the bar and moved forward.

"Hi there, handsome. Care to ask me to dance?" I asked with a smile.

The man, who's name was Ronan O'Conlin, worked for the Scottish. He was one of their top people. Apparently Enzo wanted a chance to speak with him privately. It's supposed to be an olive branch so I've been warned not to hurt any of their people.

"I can'ne say nah to a handsome girl, can I?" He asked in a deliciously thick accent.

I couldn't help but smile. For some reason the Scottish accent has always been my favorite. Ronan took my hand before leading me to the center of the room where the other couples danced. He placed one hand at the small of my back and took one of my hands in the other. A gentlemen then. I placed my hand not cupped in his onto his bicep. Very nice bicep.

The read I'm getting from him makes me think he'll appreciate blunt honesty. Something that will be extremely risky, and that will probably have Enzo yelling at me through my ear piece.

"So, I have an agenda." I started to test the water.

"Mm, most people do." Ronan added cautiously.

"I've been sent here, and you're my target."

"Truly? I dinnae ken I warranted such attention."

"May, what the fuck are you doing," Enzo's voice suddenly sounded in my ear.

I chose to ignore it.

"You see my employers, they have an interest in extending you an olive branch. I've been tasked with luring you outside. I figured it would be a better start to a relationship if it didn't involve trickery."

"Olive branch ye say. So the Italians then." Ronan quickly picked up.

"Handsome and smart. How refreshing," I said with a flirty smile.

Ronan gave me a smirk just as the song ended. "Very well, I s'pose it'd be rude to say no."

"I promise I'll keep you protected," I gave him a wink.

I laced our fingers together before beginning to lead him where Enzo waited.

"Did that just fucking work? I've been trying to get a meeting with him for seven months and he always refused." Enzo said angrily in my ear.

I just smirked. It felt good to be back at doing what I excel at. When we stepped outside Enzo was standing by the SUV while Aurora must have still been inside it.

"Ronan, may I introduce you to Enzo. Enzo, please meet Ronan. The man with the sexiest accent," I said buttering him up.

It seemed to work as Ronan's cheek tinged a little pink while he gave me a small smile. He then turned to focus his attention on the angry looking Enzo.

"Pleasure," Enzo said in a controlled voice even though it looked like his hand was squeezing harder than necessary as it shook with Ronan's.

"Likewise," Ronan said with suspicion on his face.

"May, why don't you go ahead and wait in the car while Ronan and I discuss." Enzo said without looking at me.

I wanted to protest. This is the closest to interesting information I've gotten to in a while. Though I suppose I can now at least relay the Italians are trying to form a new alliance. It's better than nothing and will hopefully satiate Dimitri for a little while.

"Yes, sir," I said before turning to Ronan. "It was truly a pleasure to make your acquaintance tonight."

I held out my hand which he happily took and brought to his lips, "The pleasure was all mine, bonnie."

I climbed into the car only to come face to face with a stressed looking Aurora.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, fine." Was all she said.

"I didn't realize you had a special someone in your life," I added.

Aurora's eyes widened, "Did Enzo tell you?!"

"No, you just did. You're wearing a necklace with a Celtic shield knot that you keep fiddling with. You also keep glancing out at your brother and Ronan trying to guess their body language. Plus, the Scottish don't really have the most resources and an alliance with them didn't make a whole lot of sense. Unless there was an emotional tie or something." I explained my observations.

"Jesus, I guess you really are good at what you do." Aurora said.

"So, what's her name," I asked with a teasing smile.

Aurora huffed, "My brother thinks telling you anything about her would endanger her."

"So that's why you've been avoiding me for a month?" I asked.

She gave a little nod.

"Well, your brothers smart. It's always better to stay safe rather than sorry when you care about someone. I can tell you by their body language that it's going good. It's all going to work out." I reassured her.

Aurora sunk back into her seat letting out a big breath. Now I have to figure out what Enzo's game is. If he warned Aurora about me then he obviously suspects I'm leaking information back to Russia. Does that mean he's leaking false information to me about his intentions? I can tell Aurora is truthful in her feeling for the Scottish girl so it makes sense that Enzo is forming a relationship. Why would he let me know that, though?

I think I have to step up my game.

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