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The meeting place is a fancy hotel with an Italian restaurant on the rooftop. The rooftop that is entirely cleared of regular guests. Enzo sat down with me to his left and Aurora to his right. Six Esponito guards are standing against the edge closest to us. I know there were more everywhere. Enzo owns this hotel.

We didn't wait long before Declan appeared with a beautiful woman on his arm. Behind them were six men with guns at their hips, Ronan included. Those men filed over to stand near our own guards. Declan came and took a seat beside me. He definitely wasn't as handsome as Ronan. He had blonde hair with a fairly obvious toupee attached. His eyes were a beautiful blue, but his body was oversized and already sweating.

The beautiful woman who walked in with Declan sat across from him and next to Aurora. The woman and Aurora shared a sweet hello and quick kiss. It must be her girlfriend then. When I really looked at the woman I felt a strong emotion jolt through me. Recognition.

I kept my face perfectly blank as I studied her red hair, freckled face, and blue eyes. Declan introduced her as Isla, but I knew her as Anya. She was two years older than me so we didn't live in the same room, but I'd seen her in passing and trained with her a handful of times.

The other assassins used to tease her for her red hair and freckles. Traits that weren't very common in Russia. Dimitri overheard it one day and told us that our individuality could be our strength. I guess this is what he meant. Anya looks more typical Scottish than Ronan or Declan do with her red hair.

"Declan," Enzo began. "I hope you enjoy our dining experience tonight."

Declan's gaze cut to me, "Aye, I think ah will."

I gave him my best seductive smile. Enzo pulled his attention back and began to talk business and details. I listened to it and filed it in the back of my mind to send Dimitri later. With the forefront of my mind I began to gently tap my finger on the stem of my wine glass.

All of us were taught a version of Morse code. A way for us to communicate in exactly this situation. When two missions overlap. The message I tapped to Anya was: objective?

Anya was holding hands with Aurora under the table but with her other hand she reached for her wine, took a dainty sip, then left her hand on the stem. She tapped: marriage into Italian. You?

Marriage into Italian. Did she sneak into the Scottish for this purpose? Or was this an opportunity that she saw and took? I tapped: gifted to Italian. Are you Scottish or Russian?

I knew I wouldn't have to elaborate what gifted meant. Most mafias have been 'gifted' one of the Volkov's assassins. Anya tapped back: gifted to Scottish.

I almost breathed a sigh of relief. I could oust her. I could tell Enzo and Aurora they were being deceived by the Scottish. The only order she has from Dimitri is to worm her way into the Scottish if she was gifted to them. Declan or another Scottish must've given the order to seduce Aurora.

I spent a bit of time trying to catch Enzo's eye. When I finally did I tried to convey a sense of urgency in mine. I hoped it was enough to make him pull me aside. Enzo took out his phone and glanced down.

"Declan, would you excuse me a moment? It seems there's something May and I need to take care of." Enzo casually said.

"Oh, aye." Declan agreed.

Enzo stood and headed towards the stairs. I followed. We made it down one flight of stairs before Enzo whirled around and carefully cupped my face.

"What is it? Have you changed your mind?" He asked gently.

I was so shocked it took me a second to respond. "No, Anya's an assassin."

"Anya?" He asked brows furrowing.

"Isla I mean. Aurora's girlfriend."

"Fiancé," Enzo corrected with a look of horror taking over his eyes.

"Shit, Aurora's fiancés real name is Anya. We trained together," I explained.

"So you're telling me the Russians are trying to worm their way into my family?" Enzo bit out, grip tightening the slightest bit.

If I told him no I'd also have to explain how I communicated with her. I'd have to explain why she so easily told me information about infiltrating the people I'm supposedly loyal to.

"I don't know. I don't think so. Dimitri's trying to build a a relationship with us right now. It's either him or she belongs to the Scottish," I pointed out.

Enzo paused just like I hoped he would. I didn't know if he'd notice my 'casual' use of us.

"Fuck," Enzo groaned. "I'll call up my extra men to be waiting in the stairwell in case things go sideways. When I confront Declan, if shit goes down would you be willing to hurt Isl- Anya?"

I pretended to really think about it. "For Aurora? Yes."

Enzo blew out a breath before he cupped my cheeks again. Instead of kissing me like I thought he would, he placed a quick peck to my forehead. Somehow it felt even more intimate.

"Okay, then let's do this," he announced.

We walked back up to our chairs. When we sat there was a tension at the table. I reached for my wine and silently tapped: sold out Scottish agenda to gain trust. Shit about to go down.

Anya's head gave the slightest of bobs. None of the others noticed it but I know she was acknowledging my warning. I also noticed the way she carefully slipped an arm in front of Aurora. Whether it was for protection or detainment I couldn't tell.

"Well, lad. E'reythin alright then?" Declan broke the silence.

"I'm not sure Declan," Enzo said meeting his eyes. "You see, funny thing, my May here used to know an Anya who looked exactly like our Isla."

"That righ'?" Declan asked, tensing.

Auroras gaze found mine, full of confusion.

"Yes, we trained together Isla's look alike and I. She was actually the one who taught me how to pleasure a woman," I admitted.

Now the ball was in their field. How they answered could be damning.

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