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After the weird encounter with Enzo, I went back to my room and slept the whole night. I guess the nap after my run didn't satisfy my body. When I woke in the morning my whole body screamed in pain from my sore muscles.

The cuts on my thighs from rich prick that were scabbing over had reopened during my run yesterday but looked much better this morning.

I guess I did go a little too hard on that run. Even so, I don't regret it. The gentle burn of my muscles every time I moved made me feel accomplished. Almost like the pain proved I worked hard enough.

I woke up early enough that I quickly grabbed my phone and sent a message to Dimitri. I reported on all the guards schedules, and how many were posted at each place. I also added a detailed description of every inch of the house I knew so far. Enzo made it impossible to get a blueprint of this building, so a description was the best I could do.

Once I finished up that message I switched my phone back to its normal mode. I was surprised to see a message from Ant that said,

"Good morning 🌞 I hope you slept well! How do you feel about grabbing brunch after training?"

I hesitated. If I wanted to go out I'd have to ask Enzo's permission. I was already chewing on my lip just thinking of seeing him this morning. I made a decision and typed back,

"I'm on house arrest 😭 how does brunch in the kitchen sound?"

I got up and changed into black leggings and a blue sports bra. Before I could even brush my teeth I heard a ding from my phone. I walked over to a reply from Ant saying,

"It's a date 😏"

I let a smirk form on my face for how easy he'd be to play. I also felt some weird feeling in my stomach. It was almost like I felt guilty for having a date? I just shoved the feeling away as I continued getting ready.

By the time I got to the training room I was ten minutes early like usual. To my surprise, so was Ant. He walked right over to me and began following my lead in the stretches I was doing.

"Well, you're early this morning," I said giving him a smile.

He looked away before shrugging and gently mumbling out,

"I know you come early and thought it would be nice to see you first thing in the morning"

His cheeks turned red and it was honestly cute. I gave him a light punch on the arm and a genuine smile. We continued to stretch in a comfortable silence until six rolled around and training began.

I made sure to pay extra attention to how they train their people. It should help me gauge how skilled they turn out when they graduate. The training passed quickly with Ant and I making silly faces at each other every time we made eye contact.

It was kind of nice. He reminded me a lot of John. It's nice to have that kind of energy around again. I really hoped I didn't have to fuck, or fuck over Ant. He seemed like a really decent and gentle person.

Throughout the training I made sure I didn't look at Enzo. I don't think I could deal with his mood swings today. I can seduce and relate to almost anyone. The fact that his personality changed so often made it extremely hard to read him.

Maybe that could be his angle? Keep shifting his personality so I can't get through his shield. It would be genius, but I'm determined I'll crack him by the end of the month.

I told Ant I wanted to shower before brunch and would meet him in half an hour. I ran to my room to shower and change into a cute sundress that went to just above my knees. It had thick tank top straps that covered my whole shoulders. It was also pretty modest with the cleavage. It hugged my chest and waist perfectly before flaring out. It was a black background covered in yellow sunflowers.

I looked into the full length mirror in my bathroom and did a little twirl. I know I was just wearing this because it's what Ant would want, but I honestly kind of like it. It's a refreshing change from all the slutty clothes I usually had to wear. I grabbed a cute pair of black flats and slipped them on before leaving my room.

I was halfway to the kitchen before seeing none other than Enzo. I put my head down and tried to brush past him. I guess I didn't have luck on my side because side stepped in front of me. I quickly stood in my submissive pose.

"Where are you going dressed like that?" He asked.

"Just heading to the kitchen to eat brunch, sir." I replied. 

He stayed silent for a while.

"You're going to brunch, wearing that, to eat alone?" He questioned.

"No sir, I'm meeting with another trainee to eat."

"So you're going on a date," he scoffed

I flinched at the disbelief in his voice. It almost sounded like he couldn't believe someone would want to go on a date with me. Suddenly I began to doubt myself. Would anyone ever want me for anything except the pleasure I can give them?

I nodded to him before pushing the thoughts back. There was no need to care if anyone would ever like me. My life and body belonged to the Volkovs.

"With who," he bit out.

"Antonio, sir," I responded quickly.

"You mean that one kid you're always making faces and giggling with?" He asked with a judgmental tone.

I saw my opportunity and decided to take it. If he blocked this advance I'd have to ease off for a while.

I took my eyes off the ground to stare intensely into his.

"Don't tell me your jealous, sir." I gave him a lopsided smile.

Before I could blink he had me pinned against the wall with my hands held above my head with one of his hands. The other gripped my waist tightly. I was about to escape his grasp when he pushed himself against me and began breathing deeply.

I felt my legs go weak as he nuzzled his nose against my neck. I let out a little whimper as he kissed the most sensitive spot behind my ear. He pulled his face back to look at me. He leaned in about to kiss me and I arched my back off the wall trying to get close enough to meet his lips.

When his lips were less than an inch from mine  he paused before saying,

"I don't think I have anything to worry about."

He let my arms go and left unfazed. I felt breathless as I watched him leave. I'm so used to being the one fucking with peoples emotions that it took me a second to ask myself the question.

Am I being played?

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