Return You

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"Bonnie?" Enzo asked as soon as he climbed into the back of the car with Aurora and I.

"Beautiful in Scottish," I answered his question.

Enzo scoffed, "How corny."

"Hmm, almost as corny as calling someone bella." I added.

Enzo's cheeks tinged pink and he seemed to remember the instance I was referring to. The instance after he had wrapped up my thighs. The instance that still sent fire to my core whenever I thought of it.

"It's different," he weakly argued sounding put out.

"I'm sure," I said with a teasing smile.

The rest of the car ride back was passed in a comfortable silence. As we were getting out Enzo had asked me to put on comfier clothes before meeting him in his office. So now I'm in some sweatpants and a sweatshirt with a one piece, white, lace lingerie underneath.

"So why did you directly ask him? I told you I wanted you to lure him out." Enzo asked as I sat across from him at his desk.

"Part of my training is reading people. It's something I was always the best at. When I look at someone or talk to them for a few minutes I get a gut feeling. I can sense how they'd like to be treated sexually, romantically, or in a friendly way. I could tell he was the type of man that desired honesty above all else. So I used that to my advantage. Manipulate him into liking me by letting him believe I cherish his same values. Pretty basic stuff, really."

Enzo nodded looking very thoughtful for a while. I didn't want to add that reading him and his wants has been one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. Something that I still can't seem to master.

"Well, it may have worked. Regardless, you disobeyed my direct order. You've had three missions. Things went wrong three times. I'll be reaching out to the Volkov's to return you tomorrow."

My whole body stiffened. Fuck. Fuck. No.

"Please, sir. I swear I'll never disobey an order again. You don't ever have to use me for a mission. Please. You can use me for anything you want. I'll be a personal sex slave, I'll be your assistant chef, I'll be anything. I'll never step a toe out of line I'll -" I was begging.

I swore to myself I would never beg again. Not after I begged my parents to keep me. My mouth snapped shut and I quickly schooled my features.

"Yes, sir," I corrected in my monotone voice.

"What just happened?" Enzo looked bewildered.

"I apologize for the outburst, sir. If that is all I will return to my room and pack." My voice stayed firm but my hands were starting to shake.

I couldn't let him see that.

"May, why did you react like that?"

"I'm sorry, sir," I reiterated.

"I'm not telling you to apologize, I'm asking you a question."

"I'm just upset after displeasing you, sir. I've been trained to make my master happy no matter what." I tried to smooth over.

When I am returned I will be given as a gift to a group of Mr. Volkov's men. A group that have.....darker tastes. My mouth is dry. My throat is sandpaper.

They will keep me alive for a few months, but only barely. They will be allowed to live out their wildest fantasies. Once I'm dead, the group that enjoy that will get their turn.

I suddenly found the hard wood floor extremely interesting to look at. The shaking had moved from my hands up to my arms now. My shoulders tense enough to hurt but beyond my control.

I don't have many fears, but Dimitri's group that will get me fucking terrify me. I'm really not doing well. First guilt, now fear. What's next? Where is all my hard work and training when I need it.

"You can go to your room now and get some sleep," Enzo's voice sounded strained.

"Thank you, sir."

I retreated to my room quickly with my head down. What am I going to do? I can't run, I'm no coward. I'm also not stupid enough to think I could avoid Dimitri's men. I know too much, he wouldn't let me go easily.

I just need to convince the Esponitos to let me stay. Who can I go to? Ant would keep me but doesn't have the rank for that decision. Aurora might allow me to stay if I told her what would happen to me. Her heart is far too big for this lifestyle. Still, she might send me away since she believes I'm a danger to her lover. Aurora is also the only one who might be able to outrank Enzo. Might.

Lorenzo would pack my shit up for me. Mateo would probably try to help me. Even then, he doesn't have the power to say nay to whatever decision the Esponito siblings make. I think my only option is to change Enzo's mind. How I do that.....I don't know.

He's obviously physically attracted to me, but that doesn't seem to hold much sway. If he's willing to own a human being I doubt he cares much about them as a person. If it was Aurora or one of his men facing this end he would stop it. Unfortunately, it's just me. Plus, my pride won't allow it. I refuse to share what will happen just so he can keep me out of pity. I just need to prove to him that I'm useful.

I can showcase all of my skills at once. I'll take out all of the guards that stand between him and me. Just knock them out, not kill of course. That would probably upset him. Then I'll break into his room, subdue and seduce him. It's risky, and it might go horribly wrong. What's the worst that can happen? He continues with his plans he already has set? I lose my life to one of his men?

I definitely know which option I prefer.

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