Month Later

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It's been a month since I spoke to Enzo in the kitchen. A month since I had my last assignment. A month since Ant would look me in the eyes.

I don't know what game Enzo is playing but my days have resorted to a very boring schedule. Every morning I go to training where all of the people are improving fast but only having basic interactions with me.

Next would be a run with a silent Enzo or Lorenzo. That's right, Lorenzo. It was easy to tell spending time with me was the last thing he wanted to do but I did start to enjoy running with him a little bit. He was the only one that could keep up with me.

After my run I'd shower, put on nice clothes and wonder. Every day I'd try to talk to some of the guards or join in on card games they played. They always had their walls up and I couldn't weasel any information out.

I'd then spend my afternoon and evenings in the kitchen with Fran, the only person who would chat with me freely. I baked desserts and learned to cook. She wasn't teaching me, but I was watching. I'd already picked up a lot of tips and tricks just from seeing the way she moved and handled the kitchen.

I'd finish off my days with one last attempt to get information from people before reading and going to bed. Dimitri was getting mad. He was getting mad and very impatient. I haven't been able to get any new information for him in a month.

Today started like every day. Training went smoothly with no one talking to me and Ant avoiding eye contact at all costs. There's no way he lost interest in a day so Enzo must have orchestrated it. Ant wasn't the only one either. Aurora who had been extremely sweet when I first arrived now avoided me like the plague.

Enzo took me outside after training and we began to run. I'm going to go crazy. I'm going to go crazy and I'm going to get killed if I don't change the course of things soon. After our sixth mile I stopped abruptly halfway around the loop. Enzo looked confused but stopped, too.

"Is this your form of punishment?" I bluntly asked.

"What?" Enzo questioned surprised.

"Keeping me off missions. Is this my punishment for feeling guilt? I promise I've learned my lesson. I promise I won't show hesitance or any negativity to the next mission. I'm sorry I've failed you so far. Please, let me have another chance." I practically begged.

Enzo's eyes widened, "I've been giving you a break. I thought you'd enjoy it."

"A break? Why would I need a break?" I asked confused.

"Your two missions so far really haven't been that ideal. I thought you might enjoy going without."

"I know, I'm sorry. I promise I'll do better on the next one, sir."

"I'm not saying you did anything wrong. You ended up hurt on the first one and had a hard time with the second. I'm not punishing you or faulting you. I just didn't want to send you out to have another negative experience."

I blinked, surprised, "But that's my job."

"Yes, I suppose so," he sighed. "Very well, we'll finish the run and then I'll go find an assignment for you to do."

I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

"Thank you, sir."

* * * * * * *

After my run I had gone to shower and put on clothes I thought Enzo would like. I'm supposed to go straight to his office for my new assignment. The black skinny jeans and grey thick strapped crop top I put on covered a black lingerie set. Maybe I could use the time in his office to start the ball rolling again.

When I stepped into his office I was surprised to see him in grey sweatpants and a T shirt. It was very rare to see him in something as casual as jeans, let alone this. I did have to admit he looked as gorgeous as ever.

"Hello, sir. Find anything I can do for you?" I asked casually.

He looked up at me before his eyes raked down my body. I knew I chose the right thing to wear.

Enzo cleared his throat before saying, "Yeah, I need you to lure a man away from his security detail so we can grab him."

"Sounds pretty simple. When do we begin?"

"Tonight, wear something classier than your first assignment. The dress code is black tie for the event he'll be at."

"Yes, sir. Anything else I can help you with?" I asked while I trailed my eyes down his body.

Enzo's whole body stiffened and he seemed to hesitate.

"No, that will be all for now."

I felt a little disappointment but uttered my 'yes, sir' before leaving. My closet was full of different types of clothes but it didn't take me long to make a decision. I settled on a black sequined, floor length gown, with gorgeous off shoulder lace sleeves.

 I settled on a black sequined, floor length gown, with gorgeous off shoulder lace sleeves

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It was classy and sexy at the same time which worked perfect in this situation. I set it aside before going down for lunch and continuing the rest of my day.

When dinner time came around I settled for a snack and went upstairs to get ready. I used an at home waxing kit to wax... everywhere, before showering and wearing the dress. I put my hair up in a bun but let a few loose curls hang out here and there to frame my face. All in all, it looked decent.

I'm not sure what to do for the makeup. I've tried doing my own once and I looked like I let a toddler do it. It will be easy enough to ask Enzo if there's someone who could help. I headed down towards his office and his guards let me in.

When I stepped in his whole body froze.

"Wow," was all he said.

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