Makeup Artist

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"Good enough?" I asked innocently.

Enzo's look said it was more than good enough.

"Uh, yeah. Yeah, it'll work fine." He said having to clear his throat.

"Just fine?" I purred walking closer.

His eyes widened as I boldly sat down sideways on his lap one arm looping around his shoulders.

"You look breathtaking," he whispered as my lips brushed gently against his.

Something in him seemed to snap as his whole demeanor changed. One of his hands gripped tight at my thigh while the other wrapped around to hold my waist. He pulled me closer against him and kissed me with enough intensity to take my breath away.

My whole body felt like it was on fire instantly. I didn't feel the slightest need to drift away from this with my mind. Every fiber of my being wanted to be aware of how his soft lips moved with mine. How gentle yet firm they felt. How his calloused, rough looking hand on my waist was so soft as it slid up my back and cupped the back of my neck. How it seemed to burn into my skin in every place it touched in the best possible way.

The hand gripping my thigh slid forward and brushed against my core before moving up at a tantalizing slow pace toward my chest. Enzo gently bit my bottom lip and gave it a little tug. A moan escaped me as my core heated.

Enzo's hand finally reached my chest. He pulled the dress down and slipped his hand into my bra before his whole body stiffened and froze.

"What's wrong?" I asked breathlessly pulling back.

Enzo stared at me confused as he held up a bleeding finger and a throwing star. I threw my head back and let out a laugh. A real, genuine laugh.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I forgot that was in there," I managed to get out in between the fits of laughter.

I slid off his lap and asked where he kept a first aid kit. He just pointed to a desk drawer with that bewildered look stuck on his face. I quickly pulled it out and began to clean up his finger. It wasn't deep enough to need stitches, but it was bleeding pretty good.

"You keep sharp things in your bra." He finally got out as I finished disinfecting and wrapping his cut.

"Yeah, since you said I wouldn't have to get naked for this mission I figured it would be okay to have them. They're my go to, but I also have a knife strapped to each calf." I explained now that my laughter had died down.

"You keep sharp things in your bra," he repeated dumbly.

"Hey, you play with an assassin and you're likely to get cut," I said humorously as I leaned down and gave the tip of his nose a kiss.

I've never done that before. I can't remember ever seeing it done either. I just felt the urge. It felt right and it felt sweet. My instincts are usually right so I'm just following them. That's it, nothing more. Nothing at all.

"Yeah, I suppose that's true isn't it," he said with a sad face overtaking him.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, fine. Just...nothing. Did you come in here for that or did you need something? You don't have to leave for another hour."

"Oh, I don't know how to do makeup. I came to ask if you have someone who can do it for me. Aurora did it for me before my first mission, but she's been giving me the cold shoulder. I think I must have upset her." I slid in bait to find out if he had ordered Aurora to ignore me.

I watched something flicker in his eyes before he said, "You don't need any makeup. You already look gorgeous."

"I'm glad you think so, but I doubt anyone will be bare faced there." I said with a small smile.

"Okay, I can do it for you then."


"Don't look so surprised. Aurora broke her arm a couple of years ago and made me do her wakeup for a couple weeks. I've always liked charcoal drawing so I just thought of it like art in a different medium."

"That's extremely sweet and a very romantic view of makeup."

Enzo gave a shrug while a slight pink tinged his cheeks, "I suppose so. Let's go,"


He gently took my hand and lead me out of his office and through halls. Surprisingly, he didn't drop my hand until after we'd stepped into my room. I grabbed the makeup kit from the bathroom and brought it to the bed before sitting down.

Enzo came over and began digging through the types of makeup and sorting through what he did and didn't want to use.

"So, think I could take a look at some of your art?" I asked.

"No," he replied without any hesitation.

"Oh," I cleared my throat feeling an awkward tension rising in the air.

He began gently putting different things on my face. I was making progress before, I have to figure out a way to get him to talk. I think it's pretty clear he has some sort of attraction toward me. He just has too many walls emotionally for me to climb over easily. I suppose I could start physically and go from there. That's usually the easiest way. Men's lips and emotions alway loosen after sex.

"You know, we could make this into a fun game."

"Oh, really? How so?" He asked.

"Well," I spoke, hand moving to his chest before slowly trailing down, "you see how well you can do while I do my best to....distract you."

His breath hitched as my hand cupped him through his sweatpants. I began to slowly move my hand around gripping him the best I could while his eyes widened and he stared at me with a makeup brush frozen in the air.

"Come now, for the game to be fun you have to keep working," I said in a teasingly seductive voice.

Suddenly his hand snatched mine away from his crotch and pinned it to my side.

"Sit there and shut up until I'm done," he let out in a stern voice.

Well, that didn't work as well as I'd hoped.

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