12| Begging

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Chapter 12: Begging (Vince's POV)

I sat on the floor against the door, one knee pulled in while I rested my elbow on it, softly and repeatedly hitting my head on the door while waiting for her to arrive. I know where she lived but I couldn't actually come in here until now. I really couldn't, I wasn't allowed to, even while she worked for me. James said it's a strict no because if anyone saw me, it could reveal her address and cause the rumors we caused by having sex. 

I came in as carefully as I could, trying not to get noticed. I had on a black hoodie with black joggers and on top of that a hat under the hood. The doorman looked at me suspiciously and looked down when I walked in. Unfortunately, he recognized me, and then I had to give him two hundred dollars and that shut him up and told me Demi's apartment number. 

I've been waiting here for... fifteen minutes, I think and about five minutes ago, the power cut out. A few people walked down the hall. Some people didn't notice me, some people looked at me funny. 

One girl stopped. "Who are you? This is Demi's apartment," she said defensively. "I'm her neighbor." 

"I'm her boyfriend," I said easily. 

"She... has a boyfriend?" 

"She's a little mad at me," I chuckled awkwardly. 

She looked at me quizzically then laughed softly, "You better do a lot of begging." 

Yes. I better be begging. But I hope I don't have to. 

She then went into her own apartment. I let out a breath, rolling my eyes. Then the power went out and now here I am. 

I heard the staircase door open before it slammed shut and I heard a soft groan. I think that's her. She started humming softly while I heard footsteps slowly padding on the carpeted floor. I waited for them to walk past. I don't know if it's actually Demi, sorry but I can't read her footsteps. So, I tried recognizing the song. 

It was Love in the Dark by Adele. I've heard it hundreds of times through her headphones while we drove to games. 

She got closer, the flashlight got brighter before she gasped loudly and took multiple steps back, shining the flashlight on me. "What the hell?!" she yelled, sighing in relief, leaning against the wall with a hand on her chest. "Who the..." She caught her breath, moving closer and bending down to look at me. 

"Demi?" I stood up. 

"Who—" She stopped talking. "What the hell are you doing here?" The power flickered back on and she shoved her phone into the pocket of her hoodie. I took in her appearance. She never looks like this. She's usually more put together with her outfits but she doesn't look bad. She looks younger, like she's back in college. She was wearing an oversized, old navy Nike hoodie with a pair of loose, baggy jeans. She had a grocery bag in her hand and a completely flat pack of Capri Sun in her mouth that she bit down on using the straw. Her hair was in a high ponytail but stray hairs were framing her face as if she walked in the wind. 

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