31| Tickets

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Chapter 31: Tickets (Demi's POV)

We were on our way back home when my phone dinged with an email. I looked through it and it was from James. Since publicly, he's practically taken the role of being Vince's assistant, he gets all the emails and has to forward them to be. He's always whining about it too. 

"Oh, you're not free tomorrow anymore," I said, glancing at Vince. 

He had a completely free day tomorrow but he doesn't now. He sighed, "Why? What do I have to do now?" 

"There's a new sports academy opening near our stadium. They've requested if you and some other players from the team could come and play some sports with the kids. And then your mother is hosting a party tomorrow night." 


I turned to him. "It's her birthday, Vince. Did you forget?" 

He blinked in realization and then exhaled, "Shit." 

I laughed softly, opening Prada's official website. Her favorite. "I'll order her a dress, hopefully, it's here by tomorrow. And we should go to the academy, don't you think?" 

"It'll just be a field full of kids, Demi," he mumbled. 

"So? These are kids that look up to athletes like you. Don't you think you should be there? I don't understand how you don't like kids. It's possible to have fun with them, you know. Especially when they're not yours," I chuckled. 

His lips twitched to smile as we stopped at a light. "Do you want to go?" He turned to me, resting a hand on my thigh casually. 

I stared at it then looked back at him. "Yeah," I nodded. 

He sighed and nodded slowly, his fingers drumming on the wheel. "We'll go." 

"They're having a proper opening for the kids and their parents, so James sent me the tickets for entry. It starts at eight-thirty in the morning, ends two hours later." 

"I have to wake up early again?" He groaned, resting his head on the headrest. 

"You'll be making their day, you know," I said, resting my head too but turning to look at him. 

He closed his eyes, his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed and hummed softly. He must be tired. 

I didn't think twice before reaching over and tugging at his earlobe. He opened his eyes, turning to look at me. I chuckled softly, "You look so tired." 

"You would know, wouldn't you? You're always there," he nodded softly and then laughed when I tickled him. He pulled away, grabbing my hand and bringing it down, holding it. 

I didn't even know he was ticklish until now. Well, so am I. I hummed, nodding in agreement. "I am always there, aren't I?" 

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