36| Thanksgiving

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Chapter 36: Thanksgiving (Vince's POV)

November twenty-fifth. Thanksgiving. And Mom's annual thanksgiving party. 

I hadn't spoken to Mom since that day at the café nearby. I won't lie, I hold grudges. Especially with my parents after everything they've done to me. I wasn't surprised when I realized my mom didn't make any efforts to contact me either until last night when she called to invite me to her Thanksgiving party. She didn't invite me and Demi, she only invited me. But there's no way I'm going without Demi, so earlier today we went shopping right after practice, bought clothes for tonight, and then we'll head out later tonight. 

The party starts at eight, we'll leave by eight-thirty, not before that. I don't want to be there for too long. 

I've had quite a few free days lately, normally, I just have practice in the mornings and evenings, and games every Friday. I have a game tomorrow too. 

I poked Demi's stomach while she lay beside me, scrolling through her phone. 

She made a small, "Ah," and jumped, moving away from me. "What?" she laughed, putting her phone away. 

"Move. I'm going to shave." 

"Why? You look fine," she frowned, rubbing the back of her hand against the light scruff. 

I couldn't be bothered to shave this week. "I don't like it," I mumbled. "It gets itchy." 

She laughed softly, scratching my cheek before kissing it. 

"Can you shave it for me?" I asked, turning to her. She nodded, grinning. I went into the bathroom and took out some shaving cream and my razor, leaving it on the counter while she tied her hair and walked in. She sat up on the counter after washing her hands. I splashed some water on my face and then turned to her, pushing her knees apart and standing between her legs. 

She shook the can and pumped more than enough into her hands, giggling like a child at the foam. She rubbed her hands together and patted my cheeks before rubbing the cream on. "Pull your lips together," she said. I did so and she put some onto my upper lip. After she put the shaving cream on, she turned to wash her hands. 

My hands moved from her knees up to her thighs where I drummed my fingers against her skin before squeezing her thighs while she rinsed the razor and then turned to me. 

"Hold still," she mumbled, focusing. My lips twitched and I wanted to smile when her tongue poked out from the corner while she zoned in and focused on shaving for me. "Stop smiling," she scolded, stopping to rinse the razor one more time. I cleared my throat and tried to stop but couldn't. "Vince!" she whined, pulling her hand away. 

"Sorry," I laughed, pulling my lips together and staring at her. 

She shot me a look and then resumed. She was very careful around my jaw and by the end, she didn't give me a single cut. She was almost done and went to rinse the razor when I kissed her. She groaned against my lips and turned to look at herself in the mirror and wiped the shaving cream off her upper lip and chin. I chuckled softly, wiping her chin. She shook her head while smiling, "You're such an idiot." 

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