Chapter Two

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Never promise more than you can perform..


I got to the school, and went straight to the library, we only have one hour left before the maths test...

I sat down on the round table, it was a very quiet place, it's my favorite place to read, no one to disturb you... I'm not sure much people know there is a place like this in the library..

I opened the math text and started calculating some topics for some few minutes...

"What are you doing here?." I heard a deep voice behind, I turned around only to see Daniel Hart, I turned around back in shock..

'What's he doing here? I thought bullies don't read' I thought..

"I asked you a question." Daniel said as he was already in front of me...

I looked up to see his blue eyes and well styled hair, never being this close to Daniel... I cleared my throat..

"It's a library, I'm reading." I said as I held my math text up to show him proof.

" In my favourite place." Daniel said "Get off the chair and move to the next" he added..

"Why? I came here first.. Are you even here to read?." I said as he brought his math text up..

I stood up and sat on a chair opposite him and he took his seat...

"Must you sit here?... Go find a different place" Daniel said

"Umm, this where I read, I promise not to make noise. " I said with a forced smile

I mean who wants to get in trouble with him...

I started calculating the math but a particular topic was giving me hard time- Geometry

I so much hate the topic..

I looked at Daniel who was also calculating his maths, with ease maybe he knows Geometry..

I was about to ask him, when I remembered the promise I made not to make noise..

I breathed heavily, when I remembered I  promised Dad to pass the test

"What is it?." Daniel said as he noticed my disbelief..

"Was I disturbing?." I said thinking I broke my promise..

" With your face, I guess." Daniel said rudely..

"So I didn't break my promise?." I asked sweetly..

"What do you want?. " Daniel said changing the topic..

" Geometry." I said as he frowned
Guess I'm not the only one who hates Geometry..

"It is not hard, if you concentrate." He said..

"Oh, but.." I stuttered

" But what?." He said

I smiled awkwardly "Can you help me with it?."

"No." He said

"What? Please we have twenty minutes left before the test, I learn fast... I promise not to waste ten minutes of your time." I said..

" What's your problem with promises?." He said as he folded his hands..

"Promises, it's a good thing." I said as I smiled..

Promise is a good thing, right?.

"Let me tell you one thing about promise. Don't promise when you are happy or because you want people to trust you or just because you want to get something." He said leaving me dumbfounded...

No one could know Daniel, the bully was this good in words...

"Do you think I promise you because I just want you to teach me maths?." I said..

" Yeah, you said 'I promise not to waste twenty minutes of your time.' He said mockingly

" I said ten minutes not twenty." I said

"Whatever." He said..

" Are you going to help or not?." I said getting pretty tired of this conversation..

" And what do I get in return?." He said with a devilsh smirk.

What? Just for teaching maths, Yeah what do I expect from a person like him?.

"Okay, firstly,teach me then we discuss about the return thing" I airqouted the last part..

He smirked.." Okay."

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