Chapter Three

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It's funny how most people become who they never promised to be...


Daniel was really good in teaching, the math test was great... but I don't want to fail but I know I did well...

I opened my locker as I put my books inside when I felt heaviness in my back, like someone was there...

I turned only to see Daniel standing opposite me with his other two friends at the back David and Darvis..

Oh,the D3, that's what they call them in school..

"Hi, thanks for the math lesson, it really helped alot." I said but he replied with a glare..

"And the return thing, what's it?." I said breaking the awkward slience..

"So the math test was great right?." Daniel said finally in a deep voice though...

I was starting to think he lost his voice..

"Yeah, thanks" I said with a sweet smile..

"So I heard you are nerd, can't believe I taught a nerd maths. " Daniel said as his two friends let out a small laugh which I could hear, as I let out a awkward smile..

Oh now, people see me as a nerd,me thinking I would graduate peacefully..

"Yeah, it happens," I said.. "So the return thing have you decided what you want from me, because I promised to do it." I added.. I really hate failing promises..

"Can you do it?." Daniel said with a smirk..

"Yeah, I promised to do it." I said..

"Okay, you would do four things for me." Daniel said..

" What?Four things just for math lesson." I said in a surprised way..

" What, you promised to do it." Daniel said with a devilsh smirk..

What do I expect from a bully like him?..

"Okay, what is it?." I said..

"The first thing... Darvis is having a party tommorow night, make sure you come" Daniel said..

" What? No, I can't come.. I don't go to night party, and my dad won't even allow me to go out" I said.

Gosh,what have I gotten myself into?.

"Then Darvis party would be your first and you could just sneak out" Daniel said..

" No, I don't know how to sneak out." I said trying to change his mind...

"Nerd, think off something, I'm sure your brain would do the trick" Daniel said as he touched my hair in the last sentence..

That touch,was like the first time a guy ever did that to me,my Dad was always protective...

"Make sure you wear something different than this." Daniel said as he looked at my outfit...

" This is one of my best outfit, and my name is Anna not nerd" I said.

" Oh okay, nerd." Daniel said as he walked away with his friends following him behind...

I frowned my face as I watched them disappear from the hallway,I rested my back on my locker and breathed heavily, I just broke promises because of this bully...

"I miss you, Mom" I mumbled..

I got home after some thinking and slient crying...Dad wasn't home, I went upstairs and sat on my bed as I sighed, I can't believe I just broke some promises, I promised my Dad not to talk to boys especially the bad ones, now I'm being forced to go to a party my Dad restricted from the house.... My life is not well planned no matter how much, I plan it so well... I looked at my pillow, Gosh I felt like crying...

I stuffed my face in it as I let it all out....

Pillow: Don't worry, I would hold your tears...

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