Chapter Twenty

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The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams...

Anna Mark.

"Are you going home now?" Daniel said as I closed my locker, and put my bag on my shoulder..

"Do you expect me to stay in school? It's closing hour already,duh." I said sarcastically..

Maybe, I'm still angry..

"Oh, umm.. I thought we were supposed to look for Lily." Daniel said as he pouted his lip like a baby..

"We are." I said as I walked away and Daniel ran, and walked beside me..

"I brought my car this time, because I know you don't like my bike." Daniel said,he is trying to make a topic,Gosh..

"I don't." I said as Daniel stopped walking making me stop and look at him in a questioning look..

"What?" I said in a slient voice..

"You are still angry." Daniel said making me let up a small laugh..

" No." I said as Daniel scoffed..

"Me and Ruby had a one-night stand,it wasn't actually intentional.. I was drunk and things happened, I'm telling you this because I want you to understand that am not that kind of person." Daniel said as I smiled..

"Daniel,am not that angry,I guess but I understand, you are the bad boy, it's a normal thing." I said making an awkward smile..

Daniel scoffed, "it's not actually normal thing though, it's just umm.." Daniel thought for awhile as I laughed sliently "I don't really know, maybe next time." He added..

" Okay." I said as I smiled as we both looked at each other...

The hallway was slient, just only us,I just don't want this moment to end..

Am I in love or I just like being with him? Cause sometimes, you think you love someone but it might be just an illusion?Do I actually love Daniel? Is it all about the butterflies or the heart beating so fast means loving someone? Or maybe I just want him there not actually is love?

"So should we get going?"  Daniel said drifting me away from my thoughts..

"Where exactly?" I asked,am feeling so hungry now..

" Umm, maybe Lily." Daniel said..

"Do you have a clue where she is?" I asked Daniel as he raised his left eye brow up in a questioning look..

"How about we think about that later and get you some food?" Daniel said as he pushed me out the school hallway..

"Okay... wait, what? How do you know, I'm hungry, I didn't remember telling you m" I said as I allowed him pushed me..

" Cause you didn't, you actually looked like one that's about to die of hunger,big appetite huh?" Daniel said as I giggled..

I entered his Honda Accord, which smiled so nice... and expensive..

Daniel started the car, and drove off, he stopped at a looking at the restaurant,Gosh, I can't wait....

"Can't wait to enter,huh?" Daniel said as he offed his car looking at me with a smile..

"Hmm." I hummed by nodding my head...

"Okay, then, let's get in." Daniel said as he got out of the car, and I did the same..

We both entered the restaurant,I was been great by the cold breeze in it and the smell of amazing food,Gosh, can't wait..

Daniel and I sat opposite each other on the warm coffee chair,as a waiter that had a blonde hair appeared in front of us..

"Good day ma and sir, what would be your order?" The blonde waitress said as Daniel looked at her hurriedly like he knew her voice just by hearing..

"Lilly." Daniel said sliently but it could be heard as the waitress looking starled..

"Daniel." Lilly said as she ran..

"Hey, wait." Daniel yelled causing attention in the restaurant as he followed her...

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