Chapter Nineteen

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Life is what happens when you are busy making other plans...

Anna Mark..


I have an idea,I said as I ran back to the cafeteria to check on Daniel, but he wasn't there..It was only Darvis and David muching their food and laughing.

"Hey, where's Daniel?" I said as they looked at me like I disturbed their happy time...

"And what's your business with him." David said giving me a deadly glare..

"He's with Ruby,any problem?" Davis said giving me a question look..

" Not really." I said

"Okay." Darvis said as he sipped his milk.

"Do you know exactly where?" I asked..

"No, Ruby said, she needed to disc-" Darvis was cut in by David light elbow punch on his shoulder.

"Oww." Darvis winced in a funny way..

"You must have heard enough and I don't know your business with Daniel but you guys should stop." David said as he shot me a deadly glare..

"I myself don't really know why you are worrying." I said as I left the cafeteria..

I looked everywhere for Daniel but couldn't find him..

I saw Bryan walking on the hallway, with his books by his left hand and his recommended glasses as he arranged it probably in just a slight shift..

"Bryan,hi." I said as I stopped him..

"Anna, how are you doing?" Bryan said.

"I'm fine and I can see you are fine as well." I said..

" Umm okay," Bryan said.." Are you coming to the mee-?" He added

" Have you seen Daniel?" I interrupted..

"Yeah, I saw him on the library with Ruby." Bryan said as I ran to library leaving Bryan shocked..

I ran to the library.. I don't know why am worried with Daniel being with Ruby..

I entered the library looking for Daniel, when I entered the history section in the library,I saw Daniel and Ruby kissing,they were so intimate....

I can't believe what I just saw,I thought Daniel never liked Ruby..Am I that bad in male choice? But Daniel made me feel something that I was wanted....

I left the library room, going to the ladies which was empty..with a tightening and a short intake of breath.. tears escaped my eyes followed by my hard fist meeting on the door as I fell down on the floor in a disheveled heap as my grief poured out in a flood of uncontrollable tears....

I never knew this how it feels to love someone who doesn't even think you are there.....

David Hart..

Breaking the kiss from Ruby, I could see Anna's back running away..

"Shit." I muttered as I was about to leave..

"Are we back together?" Ruby said stopping me as I breathed in and looked at her..

" We were never together." I said as I left the library as I ran to catch Anna up...

Anna entered the ladies toilet,as I bent down close to the door and I could hear her sobbing..

"Anna, I am sorry." I said, for some seconds,I didn't hear a word..

"Anna,to be sincere,I don't have anyt-." I said but was cut in by the door opening making me lose balance but I held myself and stood up, looking at Anna....

"Anna, I am sorry, I didn't kn-." I said but was cut in..

" Please,I don't want to talk about it not like we both have a connection,so it's fine." Anna said..

The word connection, hurts a bit.

"I wanted to tell you Harris." Anna said as I looked at her waiting for more information..

" It's an idea,I wanted to ask whether Harris has someone else apart from Liam, that he likes and can share somethings with..

"Lilly, Harris likes her alot." I said.

"Great..So where is Lily." Anna asked as I scratched the back of my head looking confused, as Anna let out a small laugh..

"Why are you laughing?" I asked as I smiled...

Thank God, she isn't still angry..

" I remembered something funny, but am a little angry at you, don't think you are that forgiven." Anna said as my wide smile disappeared...

"Sorry." I said..

"Daniel," Anna called my name making me shocked..

" If you are truly sorry, you would say;‘I am sorry’ instead of ‘sorry’.....‘I am sorry is used when you know you are the one at fault,the cause of the pain and when you want to apologise and sorry is used when you are not the cause of something that befalls someone..." Anna said leaving me dumbfounded..

Now, I'm the one that needs to be corrected in English..

"How?, What's? I don't even know what to say." I said..

" Go read, ‘English without tears’ by Elizabeth.B.Preye" Anna said giving me a fake sweet smile as she left leaving me standing...

"English without tears." I muttered to myself as I followed her....

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