Chapter Twenty-Nine

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The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.

Anna Mark

As the alarm rang into my ear, making me open my eyes in shock as I gasped in...

I looked at my left, seeing the alarm as I kissed my teeth in disappointment.... I switched the alarm off as I went closed to the window and opened the curtains as I could see winter has done a lot of work, as smiled breathing in the cold air....

It's already Christmas Eve, can't wait...

I thought as I entered the bathroom and allowed the warm water pelt my skin, as last night moment flashed in my mind as I stopped scrubbing my body...

How am I even going to talk to him? Wait, we are already on holidays, is he even going to call me?

As a lot of thoughts ran through my mind but I waved it all off... And continued bathing....

I wore a long legging and a white big cardigan as I arranged my hair in a messy bun....

I went downstairs, as the living door closed as my brother was coming in...

"Good morning, you went jogging." I questioned because I wanted to join also...

" Morning, no I didn't." William said as he went to the counter, poured himself some coffee when I noticed his hands which was bruised a little...

"Will, are you okay?" I said as I went close to him holding his hands...

As he let out a nervous laugh as he removed his hand from mine, "Yes,am fine,Mom."

I looked at him suspiciously, " Have you been picking up fights?"

"And why would I do that? Look, am a twenty seven year old millitary man, I'm not picking up fights." William said as he patted me on my left hand and went upstairs...

"Yeah, whatever... Merry Christmas Eve." I said..

"Same." William said as he stopped his tracks..

" Do you have any plans?" I asked..

"Yes, I have plans with Jessica." William said as he smiled

"Dating?"I asked

"About to." William said as he continued his journey upstairs

I sighed softly, "Life with boys." I mumbled under my breath..

Fuck, I need to do some exercise..

I took my phone and earplugs, and left the house.....

I plugged the earplugs to the phone, played a song Acrade by Duncan Laurence ft Fletcher...

One of my best sad song..

I smiled to myself as I began to jog, all the moments I had with Daniel kept coming, as I fastened the race.... I don't want to remember anything...

Fuck, it's not easy to be strong when you have nobody to lay on...

I sat on a park bench nearby, when I received a text message from William...

William: Where are you?

Anna: Sitting on a park bench, bye..

I'm not really ready to talk to anyone...

I saw a bottle of water in front of me, with someone's hand holding it...

"After that running, am sure you would be thirsty." I heard a familiar voice when I looked up..

" Collect it from me.. My hand hurts." Daniel said..

"Daniel." I said softly..

" Huh, you don't want the water." Daniel said as he removed it from my face as I hurriedly collected the water...

"Of course, I want water." I said as I gulped the water and I looked at him again and saw a little bruise on his face...

"What happened to your face?" I asked as he touched his left cheek trying to cover it..

"Nothing, just a little fight with someone." Daniel said

"Who?" I asked curiously...

Firstly, William came home with a bruised hand like he punched someone to death, now Daniel's face is bruised.. Really

"None of your business." Daniel said as I sighed softly and nodded my head...

" What are you doing here?" I asked after drinking the water...

"Umm, this is my country, am actually a citizen, so freedom of movement.. didn't they teach you that?" Daniel said as I chuckled...

Why is he acting like nothing happened yesterday?

"I'm sorry about yesterday, it's was a honest mistake." Daniel said...

Does this guy reads mind?

"It's fine,Good people make mistakes and hurt others,then they learn from their mistakes and try not to make them again. " I said as I smiled...

" The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing." Daniel said as I looked at him..

" What, did you learn anything from what we did?" I asked...

"You are the only one I know, jogging on a Christmas Eve, like seriously?" Daniel said changing the topic as I scoffed...

"I felt like." I said as I stood up...

"Fast runner?" Daniel asked as I smirked...

"You wanna bet?" I asked as he nodded his head...

" First,to reach Donald's coffee shop wins." Daniel said

" Deal,let's go." I said as we began to run side by side in fast pace....

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