017. it's in her nature to care

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Chapter Seventeen
It's in Her Nature to Care.


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AERA DIDN'T GIVE a dime about many things

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AERA DIDN'T GIVE a dime about many things.

She used care, a lot. She cared so much that it caused her heart to grow voluminous, making it way too large for the body she had. It often got turned into a fatal flaw, people used her kind heart for their greedy needs. But often, it wasn't something or someone that messed with her heart- it was really life that tainted her heart.

But sometimes, it just hurts to care, it hurts to scatter each piece of your heart on to everything. Usually you'll end up disappointed, pained, for that something or someone would leave that piece of your heart destroyed. Ripped apart with their own bloodied hands. You'll end up with nothing, your heart gone because you've scattered each piece on to everything you saw.

Aera wished she knew the kind of things she'd meddle into when she stepped into the cruel facility, a home to monstrous people with inhuman games. It messed her head up, hard. Just when her first game commenced, it was almost like a wake up call for Aera, it reminded her of how much she cared. She felt so much pain when those people that died from those supervisor's bullets- and Aera didn't even know those people.

Aera entered the facility with a full heart. After staying there for a couple of days, Aera felt as though her heart was benumbed. Yet, she didn't even place a piece of her heart onto anything, the facility still seemed to grasp on to it, damaging each tissue bit by bit every day.

After that Tug-of-War game, Aera believed that it was best to not give a dime about anything. But of course, she's Hwang Aera, it's more than impossible to get rid of the extremely large heart that she owned. It's in her nature to care.

Glumly biting on the corn that was on the cob, the taste sat blandly on Aera's tongue, the useless words that Mi-nyeo was spewing went through one ear and out of the other. Turning the yellow vegetable thoughtlessly, a deep frown creased at Aera's lips from the conversation her ears were picking up.

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