Chapter 22

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Capitulo 22


We all turned towards the door. Expecting the unexpected.

I got in my defensive position. I had a feeling that when ever that messaged showed up, something bad was going to happen.

There was an awful feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I set Carlosito down. This time I was going to the door. I guess I wanted another fight.

"I'll get it. We don't know if its something good or bad. I'm looking for a fight either way." I said, holding onto the door knob. I swung the door wide open. Then I got in a defensive position, waiting for something. But nothing showed up. No punch or tackle.

"Luna!" I heard, it was softer than a whisper, like someone couldn't speak at all. I looked down and... there was Ana. She was lying on the ground. There was blood running down her face. One eye was open and the other looked swollen.

"Oh no... No... No... No," I whispered, dropping to my knees.

"Ana? What happened? Are you okay?" I said, trying to sit her up. I looked back.

"IT'S ANA! SOMETHING HAPPENED! AXEL! TRAVIESO!" I yelled behind me. The two boys came running outside. They also dropped to their knees.

"Is it bad Ana? So I know to call the ambulance or not?" I ask. She shook her head.

"Just a couple blows," She managed to say. She got to her hand and knees. She wanted to get on her feet. Axel had an arm around her.

"Your bleeding though!?" I said.

She nodded, "Its not bad, believe me."

I looked at Travieso and Axel, who had worried looks on their faces.

"Let's take you inside then," I said. Axel helped Ana to her feet. Well Axel was doing most of the work, trying to hold Ana up. Everyone went inside. I was the last one to go in.

Before I went in I looked around. There was nothing suspicious or odd. The street was the same.

I shook my head. Who ever did this will pay. I went inside, where Axel had set Ana on the couch, she was sitting straight up. He was bending down in front of her and I realized Travieso was gone.

"Where's Travieso?" I asked, my heart beat getting faster. Did he leave? He couldn't.

"He went to go get some bandages and rubbing alcohol," Axel said, moving Ana's hair out of her face.

Travieso came running down the stairs with bandages, cotton and the alcohol. He handed me some of the things and we walked over to Ana.

Ana looked better already.

"Where are you bleeding from?" I asked raising an eyebrow. She had tiny scratches on her cheeks but other than that the blood seem to come from her head.

"It wasn't bad. It was just a small hit." She said. She moved her hands to where it was bleeding.

"Its right here. Somewhere."

I saw it. It wasn't bad. Just a small opening that bandages and alcohol could fix. I opened the alcohol and poured some on the cotton.

"Ready?" I said. Ana nodded. I quickly dabbed it on her head, then I added more alcohol. It didn't take long to clean the blood.

I stood back and examined her, like if she was a piece of artwork I created.

I giggled.

Everyone raised an eyebrow.

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