Chapter 26

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Capitulo 26


More of his men walked in with people in front of them. They looked tired and could barely walk.

We all noticed them. They were our parents. I wanted to go and ask them a billion question, but I knew I couldn't. It could blow my chance to actually save them.

I was so happy, even just to see them.

"Mami? Papi?" I said, quietly, but they heard and turned towards me.

Their eyes widen, "Luna? Oh no... Por favor no!" My mom yelled and one of the guys hit her on the head.

"Hey!" I yelled, about to kick the other guys butt, but the big guy grabbed my arm. I'm doomed!

He let me go, "They'll be fine."

I looked at them, "Estamos bien. Si gano nos podemos ir."

They looked worried. Before they said anything I added, "Lo puedo hacer. I know I can."

Everyone stood in a place, well at least the ones who weren't tied. I guess we're about to fight then, I thought, getting into my fighting stance.

The big guy made his way in front of me. We were standing ten feet away from each other. He to, got into a fighting position, except his was weaker. He definitely didn't know fighting stances. At the same time I realized he was left handed.

Everything was silent. We could feel everyone's eyes burning into us.

No one told us when to start fighting, so I waited for his first move. He was quick on his feet and I had to be quick as well. He was heavier than me, so my punches were lighter, even though I could be faster than he was. It was the opposite so I had to be careful.

The first punch would have landed on my face if I hadn't ducked. Now it was my turn, I took my chances and hit him hard in the stomach. Guess what? Nothing happened, knowing him he probably had an eight pack hiding underneath his tank top. The only way I could probably hurt him, was kicking him in the stomach.

He threw a couple more punches, one of which I blocked with my arms and to be honest it hurt. I glared at him, as I shook my arms. He grinned and threw more punches. I moved and roundhouse-kicked him in the ribs. This time he moved and released all his air he had in him. Now it was my turn to grin.

He charged and I did the same, ducking under his arm, I brought my arm up and "chopped" him right between his neck. The part that connects your shoulder to your neck. He backed up and groaned, as he rubbed his "shoulder".

"You're pretty good," I muttered. He nodded, "Igualmente."

We shared a chuckle as he landed a hard punch to my stomach. All the air was swept out of my lungs. I gasped as I fell to the floor.

"Luna!" I heard them yell and they were the people I loved. I looked over at them, their face filled with concern and worry.

I have to get up, I told myself, taking beep breaths in and out. They need me. I'm their only hope, I thought as I stood up. I held my side as I looked at the audience.

Their jaws were dropped open, their eyebrows raised, excitement splashed on their faces and if they were sitting down, they'd a been at the edge of their seats by now.

Just for taking my mind off the fight, I was greeted with a punch to the face. And DAMMMNNN it hurt hella bad. I felt a sting on the right side of my face. It was a good punch and I felt like I was gonna fall back to the ground. Instead I stepped back a couple steps and touched my right cheek.

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