Chapter 29

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Capitulo 29


Axel had finished washing the dishes and now we were inside Axel's house. He said he didn't have a lot to pack. He got a couple pairs of clothing, a pair of shoes, some things he made when he was smaller and now he was taking down a couple pictures that were hanging around the house.

The frames and photos gave me an idea. We could hang our parents pictures next to Jesus y La Virgin Maria next to them, maybe a drawing of an angel by me, candles, our name and maybe a little prayer.

I smiled at myself for coming up with an amazing idea.

Axel had gotten all the pictures and put them in a folder, then he put the folder in his backpack he was going to carry.

"Done," He said, slinging the backpack over his shoulder and smiling. I smiled back.

"Ana's house next," I added, with my hands on my hips.

"Sure," Axel responded, shrugging his shoulders a bit.

"Are you sure you have everything you want?" I asked again. Axel nodded, "Si."

"Okay," I said as we marched out of his house. Axel locked the door behind us and sighed.

"Rest in peace," I heard Axel mutter. He touched the door, looked down and followed us. We arrived at Ana's place where she got her things. She had more than Axel. Probably more clothing and jewelry. It didn't take Ana very long either. She even grabbed a couple pictures too.

Before we knew it, we were at Travieso's house. He took a little longer because he was getting a couple things for Carlosito. He too, took some photos.

"Luna," Travieso started, walking down the stairs, his fist was curled up, like he had something in his hand. I liked it when he said my name, it fit and made my name sound beautiful.

"Si," I answered. He came up in front of me, looking down at me.

"Here," He said, putting his hand out. I put my hand out. He put something on my palm. I raised an eyebrow.

"Es un regalo. It was a gift I got for you. No aye tiempo como horita para dar te lo," Travieso whispered. I smiled and he returned the smile. I looked at the present and it was a necklace.

"Travieso you didn't have to," I said, looking at the diamond covered heart.

"It's for you Hermosa," Travieso said leaning down. His lips hit mine and we shared a passionate kiss.

"Gracias," I whispered as we pulled back.

"De nada," Travieso said, smiling.

"Me lo pones," I suggested. He took the necklace and put it around my neck.


I smiled and so did Travieso.

"Te vec tan bonita," Travieso said smiling. I blushed, "Gracias," I whispered.

He lightly touched my face with his hand.

"Okay," Axel interrupted, "Let's go back to Luna's."

I looked at him and grinned. He grinned back.

"Fine," I say as we leave. Travieso locked the door behind me. He took my hand as we made out way back to my house. In less than ten minutes we were home.

"Go pack your things," I told my brother and sister as we entered the house.

"Take the things you want, but not a lot," I added as they started up the stairs.

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