Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

"Ouch!" I heard someone say. I looked over at the guys that were surrounding me and one of them was rubbing his head. He turned around and once he turned I got a clear view of my little brother and sister and they had rocks in their hands. They tossed them in the air and caught them. My brother just looked evil. He tossed the rock and it hit another guy on the head.

He rubbed his head too.

If they dare lay a finger on my little brother or sister they die. I don't want them to get hurt.

All the dudes who surrounded me turned to Isabella and Mario. And they looked mad. I looked at Isabella and Mairo with worried eyes.

'Run' I mouthed to them. They did, they took off running but Jaime's friends followed behind them.


I saw Axel holding a big ass branch in his hands.

Okay, one question where did he get that?

Axel raised the branch and hit on guy on the head. Okay so Axel's helping me out, that's good, I thought.

I finally realized it was a distraction and Ana was running towards me with Travieso's brother in her arms. Ana reached me and bent down, putting Carlosito down.

"Thank god you guys had a plan... I was starting to run out of some," I said as Ana untied the rope. Ana laughed, "Please, I don't want anything bad happening to anyone. I mean, you're like a twin sister to me!"

I laughed and the ropes came off. Ana tossed them to the side.

"Thanks Ana," I said as we both stood up. I looked at her, "Um, try to stay out of the way and keep Carlos close to you, 'kay?" I said. She nodded, "That I can do."

I nodded and ran towards Jaime and Travieso who were still on the ground fighting.

I whistled to get their attention. And they actually stopped fighting and turned their attention to me.

I grinned.

"How'd you?" Jaime started but Travieso punched him in the face. I grabbed Jaime's leg and pulled him off Travieso. After Jaime turned around. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him to his feet. Sure he was a tad bit heavy, but enough for me to lift him.

 I smiled at him while he had a face of concern.

 Out of the corner of my eyes I saw Travieso stand up and dust himself off. He came over and stood next to me.

 "Okay, I'll give you a warning, Jaime or whatever your name is. Te vas y me dejas en pas. Travieso, Ana, Axel, yo y mis hermanos, me oyes." I said, in his face. "And don't ever get with Tania," I added.

 Jaime looked at me and smiled, "You think you'll get away with it Luna... Please I'll be back, but it'll just be me and mi homies."

 I glared at him, "I'm gonna wipe that smirk off your face," I said with seriousness in my voice. He still continued to grin.

 Just as I was about to punch him in the face. I felt a sting on my stomach. It seem to cross my whole abdomen. I punched him in the face and dropped him. I quickly wrapped my arms around my waist.

 I fell to my knees and looked at my abdomen. A huge cut was there and blood was flowing out of it.

He had a knife the whole time! That bastard!

 "Luna?" I heard Travieso stutter. I looked up at him. "What's wrong?" He asked. I took my arms off my waist and he saw the blood on my shirt. His eyes widen and he bent down next to me.

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