Chapter 5

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                                                                 ~Chapter Five~

* * *Back to Luna's P.O.V.* * *

      I woke up from that not so understandable dream. I was gald I was still on the couch. Travieso was looking down at me. I smiled at him and he smiled back. I got into an upright sitting position, "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry. I fell asleep."

     'It's okay Luna, It's been only two hours." Travieso said. Just hearing my name come from him made my heart leap a beat.

     "We could have done something else in those two hours! Have you guys been watching soccer the whole time I was asleep???"

     "Pretty much," Axel mentioned. I sighed.

     "What time is it? Like five?" I asked. Trying to spot the clock in living room.

     "A couple minutes til five." I noticed Travieso had pulled out his phone to check the time. "I should probably get going,"

     I thought Travieso wouldn't leave, but if he had to that was fine. "Wait are your parents home???"


   "Well, I was thinking if your parents weren't home you can still stay," I blurted out. What am I thinking? I didn't even think about it! Just then the door opened and my parents were there with my little brother and sister. "UH-OH"

   "Hija, we're home!!!" My mom yelled and I jumped up from where I was sitting. Travieso and Axel did the same.

   "I can see mom." My brother and sister ran over to me and gave me a hug. I saw my dad notice something. That something was Travieso... crap!

   "Who is this might I ask, Luna?" my dad asked, gesturing to Travieso.

   "I... He's a friend, his name is Trvaieso." I hesitated. My dad started laughing, "What does he get in trouble a lot is that why his name is Travieso?" he laughed even harder. I wanted to laugh too but it would be to rude to do that.

   "Not really."

  "Once! but in school." Travieso added. I elbowed him in the ribs, "Ouch, what was that for!"

  "If you tell my dad he probably wouldn't let you hang out with me!" I said through clenched teeth. He nodded giving me an 'Oh' face.

  "May I ask why he is here?" my dad asked. He finally stopped laughing.

  "He wanted to hang out with us." Axel cut in. I stared at him. Thankful that he said US and NOT ME. Now my dad looked suspiciously at us.

  "Nothing was going on in here? While we were at work. Right?"

  "No. We were just watching TV." Now my dad was glaring at me. "I swear, we were just watching TV nothing else happened." I said holding up my hands.

  "Not til, you fell asleep," Travieso added then he chuckled a little. He deserved another hit. So I elbowed him again. "Crap," But he said it softly "Damn! You can hit!" I just shrugged.

   "I was here the whole time, so it was fine," Axel said.

  "Okay. I trust you Axel, so you can tell us anything." Now I was worried that Axel could tell my parents about me and Travieso. But I was surprised that my dad didn't seem to care that he was here. Strange.

   Just that moment the door bell rang. My mom went to go awnser the door and Axel's parents were standing right there.

   "Buenos tardes," I heard Axel's mom say, "Si esta Axel?"

   "Si, he's here," She turned to Axel; who already knew that his parents were home from work, to pick him up.

   "Axel! Time to go." she called to him. He nodded and started walking towards the door. "You can come back tomorrow again."

  "Alright. Later Luna!" he said, walking over to me. Me and him did this one secret handshake. After we finished our handshake or whatever he walked to his mom and left. Once they left I looked at Travieso.

   "I should probably get going too," Travieso mentioned.

   "Uh..." I started. But then my mom cut in.

  "Hey Travieso, do you think your parents would let you stay for dinner?" My mom asked. My jaw dropped open. Was she actually going to let us hang out and let him stay for dinner!!!???

   Travieso turned his attention to my mom. "I could ask."

  "Go ahead," mom stated. Travieso looked at me and shurgged his shoulders. He took out his phone and dialed his dad or mom. I don't know.

   "Hey mom... I was wondering if I could eat dinner with a friend and her family... okay, okay fine..." I heard him. He turned his attention back to me, "She says yes, and that I have to be home by at least nine."

   "Oh well it's five, we still have four hours and I'm not sure when my mom will be done with dinner."

  "Dinner will be done in an hour," My mom yelled from the kitchen. I noticed that she went from the living room to the kitchen.

  "Okay," I yelled back. "What do you wanna do in an hour?" I asked Travieso almost in a whisper. I looked at my dad; who was looking at me. I smiled at him.

  "Go ahead, you kids can do anything." My dad said. Serious. Is he being serious? This is NOT like him at all. He would have kicked my butt and yell at me. Then he would have probably told me that I could never hang out with another boy, other than Axel.

   I looked at my dad with my mouth dropped open in an O. He just smiled at me.

  "Do you think we could go to your room?" Travieso asked, snapping me out of my "transition". He wants to go to my room... me and him in my room... I don't know.

  But without thinking, I blurted out, "Yeah sure, why not." Travieso smiled and we headed up stairs.

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