Chapter 30

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Capitulo 30


"Si tienen compáses, no los puedo encontrar," I asked a worker. We made it to the store and we had gone through all the aisles of the store, twice.

"Por su puesto," She said, turning and facing to where they were at. She gave me this old look like what-happened-to-your-eye type of look. I forgot that my eye was swollen and purple. How could I forget, when I can barely see anything out of it!

"Follow me," She said and we did. We made it to the other end of the store. It was against the wall.

"Here you go," She said, motion her hands to all the compasses they had.

"Te puedo ayudar en algo mas?" She asked. I shook my head.

"No, estamos bien. Gracias," I said, giving her a smile.

"De nada," She said and smiled. She turned around and left. I looked back at all the compasses.

Some were big. Some had a different design. Some had other features added to them.

"Let's get a simple one," I said, looking through the compasses, "Y uno que estate barato." I added. I spotted a small one that was attachable to anything and it was cheap. I grabbed it and looked for another one.

"We'll take this one, just in case and we'll get another one," I added. Ana, Axel and Travieso were looking at some and reading the back of the compasses. Mario and Isabella were looking at other things, like other kids would.

"Okay," Ana, Axel and Travieso said at the same time. It look us less than five minutes and we each had a compass in our hands.

"There, I have the second one," We all said at the same time. We looked at each other and laughed.

"Then let's compare them," Axel suggested. We all nodded. We stood in a circle and looked at them together. They all seemed to work and they were all cheap.

"I think the one Axel chose is pretty good," I commented. Axel gave it time and I looked at it.

"Same here," Ana and Travieso agreed.

"So we agree on this one?" I asked them, holding up the compass. They nodded and I smiled.

"Okay," I said, "Mario! Isabella! Ya nos vamos!"

They came back from a couple aisles from where we were at. I smiled at them as they came towards us.

"Ya?" They asked. I nodded and we made our way to the cash register. The total came up as 72 pesos, about six american dollars. I paid the lady and we left.

We came home and the cool air greeted us. It was melting hot outside. I swear I was gonna die.

"Quien quiere helado?!" I shouted and walked into the kitchen. Everyone else trotted behind me.

"Yo!" My brother and sister exclaimed. I smiled and turned to Ana, Axel and Travieso.

"Si, por fa," They said, smiling. I opened the fridge and pull out some Vanilla ice cream. I frowned.

"I thought we had more than this," I murmured, rotating the container. It was still good. Ana had gotten bowls and found the ice cream scooper. I set the ice cream on the table and opened it up. Ana took over and scooped a couple spoons into each bowl.

Once we had the ice cream served, we sat in the living room watching the news.

"A building goes down in flames. Nuestros roperteros tiene la histroia, Carlos," A lady said. The camera turned to this guy wearing a sweater with the news crew logo on it. He was standing right in front of the building we were in last night. The place where our parents had died.

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