Chapter 24

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Capitulo 24


Back To Luna's Point Of View


We had found something to eat and now we were playing games. So far I had won none. The winner was really my brother.

We laughed and made jokes. Until we heard the door burst open. I quickly jumped to my feet and got in a defensive position that's how sensitive I was to all this stuff now. Then I saw them. My parents. They looked sad and tired and a little happiness popped in their faces.

I let my guard down. They ran over to me and hugged me tight.

"Estas bien? No sabiamos que nos llamastes. Estavamos haciendo algunas cosas, no teniamos tiempo para ver el telephono." My parents said, they were talking really fast.

"Si estoy bien. Me estaba preocupando de ti." I said, hugging them back. "Donde estaban?"

"Trabajo. Mucho trabajo," My dad said, letting me go.

"What happened?" My mom asked me. "Did the doctors say anything?"

I shook my head, "They said it was nothing."

My parents sighed, "We're just glad your okay."

I smiled, "Puedo dicer el mismo con tigo."

Everyone laughed. The days passed and I was still on my toes, just in case something happened. But nothing happened, well at least for three days.

After those three days my parents never came home. They had said good bye and never came back that afternoon. I was getting worried. Then Travieso's parents disappeared along with Axel's parents. What?

The police couldn't help us and we knew that. Sure, we could report them missing but I doubt they would find them. The only parents who hadn't gone missing were Ana's.

Then that Friday morning I had a bad feeling at the bottom of my stomach.

We had agreed to go to Ana's. She to hadn't come over in days. Travieso carrying Carlosito, Axel who was walking right next to me, Isabella and Mario followed close besides me. I had kept glancing around, keeping an eye out for strange things.

We reached Ana's house and knocked. We waited for three minutes, which wasn't very long.

Then I realized that the door was unlocked and slightly open, that got me curious. I opened the door and we stepped inside.

"Ana!" I say looking around the house. It was empty, like a haunted house. It even had that eerie feeling. We looked around and it was empty. Nothing had been touched.

"Siento que la gente que capturaron nuestros parientes capturaron a Ana. Algien estan jugando con nosotros," I said, still looking around.

"Si estamos jugando gato y rata," someone said, popping from upstairs. Some other people popped out from the kitchen and from the outside.

I got into a fighting position.

"I wouldn't try that," someone else said. This time everyone raised a gun.

"We're doomed," I whispered. Some of the guys took the arms of my brother and sister. Some other guy held Axel from behind. Otro güey had a gun to Travieso head.

No. No! Why me? Why? La pregunta enternal, cuemando en mi mente: Por que?

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