Chapter 32

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Capitulo 32


We bought the things we needed with a lot of money to spare. And now we were filling up four containers of gas, that held up 5 gallons each. So 20 gallons in total.

"Ugh! Odio el olor de gasolina!" Ana said, putting her hands over her nose. I laughed.

"Ella le gusta la gasolina. Dame la gasolina," I sang and gave my hips a little movement. Ana started laughing.

I finished filling up the last container and put it in the back of the truck.

"Okay es la ultima vec que voy a  pregunto, van al baño si necesitan, porque no vamos a parar en unas horas," I told everyone.

"Estamos bien," almost everyone responded.

"Are you sure?" I asked again. They all nodded. "Then let's get going."

Again for the billionth time of the day, we piled into the truck. This time we went straight to the highway.

We had the radio on the whole time. Sometimes we sang depending on the song. We stopped for bathroom breaks, which was little often. Now we were near the coast and it looked beautiful. I had only gone three times as far as I could remember.

"Luna, can we go to the beach, please!" My brother cried. I raised an eyebrow and looked into the rear view mirror. I actually wondered if my brother or sister remember going to the beach.

Well we haven't been to this beach, but we've been to the Gulf.

"Please Luna!" My sister chimed in. I looked at Travieso.

"What do you think?" I asked him. He shrugged.

"Whatever you want Hermosa. Its up to you," Travieso said. I blushed.

"Okay who wants to go to the beach?" I asked. Of course my brother and sister said me. I turned around to face Ana and Axel.

"Do you guys wanna go?" I asked.

"Ah what the balls. Vamanos, mis pies me estan doliendo. It's to crammed in here," Ana protested. We laughed.

"Okay beach it is," I told Travieso. He nodded and pulled off near the road. There were no towns or people in sight, it was kind of scary, but it'll feel good to be out here. Travieso parked off the road, but near the beach. We all hopped off and my brother and sister went straight to the ocean.

"¡La ultima persona en la agua es un camaron!" My brother yelled, running faster and faster.

"¡No manches!" My sister yelled, trying to catch up to my brother. I gasped at my sister, but laughed.

Ana, Axel, Travieso and I stared at each other. We smiled then we took off. I was in the lead, then it was Travieso with Ana and Axel right behind us and going at the same speed. I reached the water first.

Then the unexpected happened. Travieso lifted me off the ground and threw me right in the water. I sat up, now I was all wet.

"That was unexpected!" I exclaimed, as we all laughed. Travieso lent me a hand, which I took and he pulled me to my feet.

"Well I guess there can be dos camarones," My brother added. We all laughed.

I got out of the water and stood on the sand, watching my brother and sister enjoy themselves. It'll probably be the last thing we do here.

"Travieso you've been driving for a while. Do you want me to drive?" I told Travieso who was standing in the water and looking off into the distance.

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