Chapter 6

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                                                   ~Chapter six~

     Now we were in my room, with the door shut. Yeah you read that right. I was sitting on the edge looking down at me feet. Travieso was "exploring" my room. He was looking at my drawings that I had hung up on the wall. Matter-of-fact I was running out of room to put my drawings up. Then I had some pastels I had to hang. Yeah I was obsessed with drawing. I had to hang up all the artwork I liked.

   "These are really good, Luna! You drew all of them?"

   "Yeah pretty much, I do it when I have free time." Travieso nodded and kept looking at some. He was looking at my favorite one now. A girl with wings, not angel wings nor bird wings, but just wings. Special wings. "I like that one the best,"

    I got up from the bed and stood next to Travieso. I put a hand on my hip and looked at my drawing. "I've entered some contests... but never won any. Really."

    "What are you serious??? How can you not win any!!! THESE ARE FREAKIN' AMAZING!"

    I blushed and looked down at the carpet, "Thanks" Travieso looked down at me and smiled.

   "Oh Luna what would I do with out you!" Travieso exclaimed. I was going to say something but... Travieso head swooped in. His lips land right on mine.

    My mind was cut short right about then. I couldn't think or do anything else, but kiss him back. His strong arms wrapped around my waist while I wrapped mine around his neck.

   Just then we heard a knock on my door. Which caused both of us to jump apart and let go of each other. Dam it! Right when things were getting... better. Me and Travieso stared at each other for a while. I could tell that Travieso liked where everything was going, until the knock at the door. I sighed. I was liking it too.

    It was my mom who was at the door, "Hey, dinner is ready,"

    "Already? It's only been like twenty minutes!"

   "Luna," I could hear she was being serious. You could hear it in her voice. Probably just another long day...

   "Alright, in a bit..." I was so glad she didn't burst into the room. That would have been so bad. I turned to Travieso and gave him a small smile. "Dinner's ready" I said, chuckling. He smiled at me.

    We headed downstairs and into the kitchen. Where my mom was putting out the plates. My little brother and sister were at the table with their spoon and fork in a hand, waiting for dinner. I guess they were starving.

     I ran over to my brother and sister and gave both of them a big hug. "You guys are TOO cute and way to funny!" They really were. When they did things like this it was way to cute. No one can stand it. As I gave them a hug, they gave me a small kiss on the cheek.

    I looked back at Travieso who was smiling at me. I smiled back. Travieso moved towards me and sat down at the table. My mom started handing out the plates. I decided to sit next to Travieso. Just as I sat down, my dad came in and sat in his "spot".

   Now we were all in our seats and the food was in front of us. We started eating quietly like most days but...

    "So Travieso," My dad started, "Where do your parents work at?"

    "I live with my mom, I barely see my dad. My mom is a doctor at the hospital. And my dad kind of just goes around with the job. I don't understand where he works and my mom won't tell me. And I have a little brother named Carlos."

   "Oh... When did you meet Luna?"

   "In school, she's in some of my classes." Another 'oh' from my dad.

  "Well Travieso you do seem like a nice guy but..." Uh-oh, it's coming. Before I had my dad say anything else. I asked him to pass the salsa. He did. I took it and put it inside my tacos, heh heh.

   "Well what I was saying was---- I don't want you two doing anything stupid." My dad finished. A sigh of relief came over me I thought he was going to say something else. Maybe, that I could NEVER hang out with him.

   I asked the most dumbest question anyone would have asked. Matter-of-fact I had practically just answered it myself, "Wait... You're going to let us hang out?"

   "Well yeah, you're birthday is coming up Princesa and you're becoming a young women. But I still want you to keep up those amazing grades" Oh wow! Now my dad is calling me Princesa. My dad has never been like this before. But I was accepting all of it. I looked over at Travieso who's mouth was slightly open almost in an o. Our eyes meet, he smiled and I smiled back.

    I bit into the taco that had my mom's homemade salsa it was really good. But I noticed that my lips were somewhat dried and somewhat split open. Once the salsa hit my lips. It freakin'd burned like hell. Even when I licked my own lips it still burnt. I really gotta start wearing some chap stick.

   Then I remebered something I have to tell my parents, "Oh mom and dad! Travieso and Axel are going to be my chambelanes!"

    "Really?" My mom asked, raising her eyebrow.


   "Is that true?" But this time she looked at Travieso. He nodded.

  "I'm a pretty good dancer," Travieso added.

   We finished eating, which didn't take long. After that we were all hanging out in the living room, just talking about life and all that., you know the usual. It was time when Travieso had to go home.

   Travieso's phone rang. He looked at it. Just from him looking at the screen. It was a text message.

    "Well, I gotta go home" He said, getting up from the couch. He went over to my dad and shook his hand and did the same with my mom. Without thinking I got up too.

   "I'll walk him to the door," I said, trying to be nice. My parents just smiled. Travieso came up to me, smiling. We both walked to the door I opened it. Travieso took a couple steps outside. I took one too and closed the door behind me.

   "Do you think we can hang out tomorrow?" Travieso asked.

   "I... I think so. Can I have your cell phone number and I'll text you."

   "Okay," He said, smiling. He gave me his number and gave him mine.

  "Well, I'll see you tomorrow, if not. I'll see you some other day or in school."

   Travieso chuckled and stepped closer to me. Closing all the space between us. Our breaths were mixing together now.

   "Alright hermosa," he said quietly. He turned around and started walking. Once he got onto the sidewalk, he turned around and smiled at me. I smiled back.

    He turned back and walked. I stayed out there until I couldn't see him. I was just hoping he would get home safetly. Those gangs would be out there waiting for anyone and rob them. Travieso disappeared into the night shadows. I went back inside and went straight to my room. I grabbed my phone and put in Travieso's cell phone number. Once I had that in, I texted him asking if he was fine.

   This is what he sent :

                 I'm already at home, hermosa, you don't have to worry. :)

    He's already at home. Dam, he probably ran there, but then again, he said that he didn't live very far away from here. But from there we just started talking to each other and next thing you know...

    I'm already asleep. Haha. . .

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