Chapter 8

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                                                      ~Chapter Eight~

    The day went by pretty fast. We didn't do much but hang out, chill and relax. My friends went home, my parents got back from work. And now I was in my bed, doing nothing but staring at the ceiling, until I fell asleep.


   Sunday was pretty much go to church in the morning and work in my mom's store. I didn't see any of my friends. I saw Axel but  he's been ignoring me all day. And I don't know why. Probably jealous.

   Anyways... Now to Monday...

  I was at my locker, putting away my stuff to go to lunch. Travieso told me to meet him outside. Where no one else meets. It was pretty obvious where he was at. Everyone knew that part of the school. No one really hung out there because they say that's where fights would break into. Like a bad luck area. But then again it was just me and Travieso.

   I finished putting my stuff away and walked out the school doors. I just hope he's there, I thought as I turned the corner.

    I ran straight into something hard. It made me stagger backwards, I almost fell but  they caught me. No not something. Someone and that someone wrapped there arms around my waist. So much for my gymnastics and boxing practice. Oh yeah did I forget to mention to that to you guys? Sorry. But yeah I started gymnasctics when I was six and boxing when I was ten. And I still do it. I don't even know how I got into boxing. I just really like to punch. I have some medals at home for winning and all that kind of stuff.

  I looked at the person I had run into. And of course it had to be Travieso.

 "Oh, it's you, I thought it was someone else?" I said, letting out a sigh of relief.

  "Who else did you think it was?" he said, grining. I shrugged my shoulders.

  "I don't know."

   "Come on let's get something to eat," he said, holding out his hand. I took it, "Okay,"

    We walked back to the front of the school where there were a lot of students and food carts. The smell of tacos and tamales filled the air. I was starving for sure.

  "What do you wanna eat?' Travieso asked, looking down at me.

  "It doesn't matter. I'll eat anything." We both laughed. Then randomly walked up to a tamale cart. We both got two tamales each and Pepsi. Travieso paid for it and we found an empty picnic table to sit at.

  As we sat down I spotted Tania and her group of friends. The thing about Tania is that she is the most prettiest girl in the class. Supposedly. She hates me and I hate her. And since Travieso is the hottest guy in the class. It goes from there. There had been a rumor saying that she LOVES Travieso and wanted him to go out with her. He did but then dumped her the same day. Haha. But then again she still has a crush on him. And I'm pretty sure she doesn't know about me and him.

  "Luna, What are you staring at?" Travieso said, snapping me out of my thoughts about Tania.

  "Tania, that's what." I mentioned and pointed at her. She was walking with her friends saying "Hi" to everyone she passed. Like she was the queen out of the whole school. Travieso turned around to look at her but gagged and turned back to eating. His gagging made me giggle.

  "Ignore her. To be honest with you I hate her." Travieso replied. I raised an eyebrow.


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