Chapter 10 (My Quinceañera Party Part 2)

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                                            ~Chapter Ten~

       "Adios!" We all said. We were waving at Travieso's mom, dad and little brother. We had decided to go to the mall. His parents had given him some money too. We walked down the street to the bus stop. Thankfully there were no dogs this time. Haha.

     The bus arrived a minute later. Taking us to the mall. Once it stopped, we got off and walked to the mall. Some stores around it were open and some weren't. We just walked around in some of the stores. We went through a lot of clothing me and Ana especially. We were looking at tops and shorts and dresses.

   "Oh my gosh! Luna, look at this shirt!" Ana said, holding up a aqua colored tank top, that had ruffles and glittler on the end of the five ruffles it had.

   "It's cute!" I walked over to her and turned the shirt over looking for a price tag. I found it and it was on sale! I was sure we had enough money to buy it. Ana's mouth dropped open.

  "I think I have enough for it! Maybe there is another on you can have. Then we'll both look like sister"

   I laughed. "That's a good idea lets look for one."

   Travieso and Axel actually started looking for one. After looking. We couldn't find the same color. But there were other colors. A hot pink with orange caught my eye. It looked like the colors were splattered on the shirt. I liked it already.

I stepped over and pulled it from the rack, holding it against my body.

"I like this one." I said. My friends turned their heads towards me and looked at the shirt. "I like how the Orange goes with the pink."

I noticed Travieso had something in his hand. Another tank top, just a different color.

 "I like this lavender one too though." said Travieso.

 "Maybe I can buy both." I mentioned. I think I had enough money for both. But if I spent it, I wouldn't be able to but anything else.

"Or maybe. I can buy them for you as a birthday present." Travieso said, smiling.

"You would do that?" I asked. He nodded. "No, it would be better if I bought it myself." I really didn't want Travieso spending his money on me. It was to nice. To kind.

"I don't have anything for you yet. Why don't I buy them." Axel spoke. He still hadn't talked that much on the way here. I looked at him and blinked a couple times.

"I..." That's when Axel took the shirts from me and started walking to the chashier. I stood frozen in my spot watching him pay. Umm... okay then.

Axel came back with a bag in his hand, which held the shirts and handed them to me. Me, Travieso and Ana all watched in what? Shook? Amazement? I didn't know what it was.

"What?" Axel asked, breaking the "wierdness". I shook my head.


Still wondering about Axel. Our time at the mall was coming to an end. We had to get home, so we would all get dressed. Yeah, you read it right. All of us.

"I guess it's time to go home and get ready." I said.

"Yeah," Ana sighed. We turned to the front of the mall and walked out. I spotted some other friends from school, who I invited to my quince.

"Hey Luna!" One of the boys said. The other guys and girls looked at me and smiled.

"Hey guys!" I said stopping, making Travieso, Axel and Ana stop behind me.

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