Chapter 20

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Capitulo 20


Like I said I was ready for this. I knew he was going to do that so I stepped out of the way. I think Travieso knew he was going to do that so he did the same, and stepped aside.

Jaime landed on the floor with a thump. I quickly sat on him so he wouldn't get up. Jaime's other friends looked ready to fight but Travieso stepped in front of them with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Give up, Jaime," I said, "I'm not gonna let you up."

He squirmed underneath me and tried to get up, but I made sure he stayed flat on the ground. I wasn't going to let him get up. I knew he was heavier than I was, but I had the advantage because I actually knew how to fight!

"What do you guys want anyways?" I asked them. Jaime kept squirming.

"You already know," he said through clenched teeth.

"What?" I really didn't know.

"You." was all he said. I frowned.

"No," I said, "What do you want with me, anyways?"

"And that's for you to find out..." Jaime muttered.

"I'm still not getting off you," I mentioned. All of the sudden the unthinkable happened. Jaime flipped me over so this time I was on my back and he was on top of me.

His face was hella close to mine and I didn't like it one bit.

"Hey!" Travieso yelled, realizing what just happened. He walked over and grabbed Jaime's shirt.

"Get off her," Travieso grummbled and that's what he did, he took him off me.

"What the ___ are you guys standing there for. Get her." Jaime said, getting up from the floor. His friends snapped out of their little trance and turned towards me.

I stared at them with a deadly glare, kind of like saying, bring it, I'll kick your butt. They stared back at me almost with the same face, but their's was more serious and straight.

Travieso looked like he was worried but he was ready to fight. I think as long as I wanted to fight, he'd stay next to me the whole time. If he did I was happy, he did, because he cares about me. If one day he didn't fight along side me then, somethings wrong and he wouldn't care about me anymore.

I think I was in a little trance before I realized someone threw a punch at my face. But with my quick reflexes I bent back and dodged the punch. I quickly punched them back.

I ended up hitting them right in the nose. It quickly started bleeding.

I giggled, "Oops," I said, "I think that was an accident. If you guys back down now, you won't end up like your little friend here." I mentioned, waving to the kid I just punched. They looked at me and back to him. Some made a face, like ouch-i-don't-want-that-happening-to-me kind of face.

"So," I said, opening my arms, "Que quieren? Nariz quebrada? Oh corren?"

Some of them looked like they wanted their noses broken and some looked a little scared. I remember seeing their faces from the park.

We were standing there staring at each other when I heard punching.

I looked behind me and Travieso and Jaime were going at each other. I think Jaime was the one that got hit and he looked ready to tackle Travieso. I don't think they noticed us staring at them. I didn't mind as long as someone was fighting Jaime.

I took my stance and waited for them to come at me and some of them did.

I quickly ducked one of the guys punches and elbowed him in the back. Then the next guy came after me. This was to easy, I swear. In minutes I had all his friends on the floor. After I finished with the last one, I dusted my hands off and put my hands on my hips.

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