Chapter 25

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Capitulo 25


Back to Luna's Point of View


I woke up to my head hurting. It hurt hella bad. Y la última cosa que me acuerdo es entrando la casa de Ana y estar attacados de Jaime y sus amigos.

My head throbbed and I was cold. I opened my eyes and everything was a blur. Donde estoy? Y donde esta Travieso, Axel y mis hermanos?

I blinked a couple times and my vision cleared, but just a bit. There was someone leaning down in front of me. Travieso?

I blink a couple more times—harder though. Then finally my vision cleared. It was a dusty, cold, abandoned building. You could see the sunshine coming through cracks and the partial roof. Wood, metal pipes, nails and pieces of cloth were lying on the cold concrete floor.

The floor! I was lying on the floor, that's why I'm cold. When I tried to get up, my hands were behind my back and weren't letting me get free.

Ropes... They tied us!

I wanted to yell. I wanted to know where we were at. I wanted to kick someone's butt. I wanted to know if these guys were related to Jaime and if they took my parents. I wanted answers.

I somehow managed to sit up, without using my hands. I looked at the person in front of me.


He smiled, "Good morning Princesa. How are you feeling?"

I glared at him but didn't answer. Instead I said, "Where is everyone? Where am I?"

Jaime laughed, "Look around Luna."

Well for one thing I knew, I was in an abandoned building. Then I looked at the wall I was tied up near. There they were. They were all sprawled out on the floor.

Travieso, Axel, Isabella, Mario and Carlosito were on the floor, in a dog bed with clothing wrapped around him. Then there was another figure. Her hair was long and black.


They were all tied up together.

"Why?" I asked Jaime. He just kept smiling.

"It's a long story Luna and it all has to do with your parents." Jaime says. I'm surprised I gasp. He mentioned my parents.

"You kidnapped them, didn't you?" I asked, still mad at him. So there was a connection.

"Mas ó menos," said Jaime, shrugging his shoulders.

"When I get out of here with everyone out of your grasp, I'm gonna kick all your guys butt," I yelled.

Jaime snickered, "There's no place to run Princesa." Then Jaime roughly cupped my chin and forced me to look up at him.

I frowned, "Suelta me."

Jaime smiled, "No can do Princesa." Then he swiftly kissed my lips. No one ever does that. That made me even more pissed. Jaime smirked.

"Cuando todo esto termina, te voy a matar. When all this is over your dead." I spat in his face. Not actually spat, but yelled in his face.

"Luna you should be lucky," Jaime said, getting up. I stared at him.


But he didn't answer, he just walked away.

Mexico /BORDER/ U.S.???Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora