Chapter 4

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~Chapter four~

I came into the living room and found Travieso watching futbol- what some of you guys would say, soccer. I heard Axel's footsteps behind me. I guess he finally snapped out of his "moment". This made me smile and laugh just a little. Travieso heard me and looked up.

"Why are you laughing?" he asked me.

"It's nothing," I said with a solid voice. So it sounded like I really wasn't lying.

"Come sit here Princesa," Travieso patted the spot right next to him. I think I was starting to like Travieso. I mean I didn't pay much attention to him. But if you "study" him carefully he does look hot. Now I see why all the girls would fall for him, because of those handsome features of his and his muscles. But why me? Is the question. I know he's been with a lot of girls before, but either way they didn't last that long. And how long would I last with him??? Now we just have to wait and find out.

I made my way over to the couch and sat down. Putting my legs on the rest of the couch. Travieso wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me towards him. Our bodies touched, which was way to close for my liking. Without thinking I rested my head against his chest, feeling his heartbeat which was completely normal. Mine was beating hard inside of me. I realized that Axel had sat down on the other couch and was watching me, which was kind of creepy. But just after a while he turned his attention to the two soccer teams that were playing. Soccer was their thing, so they would never miss a game. That's how well I know the boys.

Just after watching a little bit of soccer, I felt tired and some what sleepy. This always seemed to happen after school. Then I remembered something I hadn't finished my homework. Usually homework was always first but Travieso was here and it was the weekend so homework could wait, at least for a bit. I had to do something, so I wouldn't fall asleep on Axel and Travieso. Now that would be bad. A girl asleep with two boys who could just do something while I'm asleep. Oh crap. I shook my head to get rid of that thought. Why would I even think that! Besides Axel is not that type of guy, well he had changed so who knows.

I moved in Travieso grasp.

"Do you guys want something to drink? Agua De Hochata or Pepsi?" I asked them. I was sure no Mexican resist Agua De Hochata. For those of you who don't know what that is. It's a drink that can be made out of rice or oatmeal, with milk, a little water, sugar and sometimes cinnamon.

"Aqua De Hochata, would be great Luna!" Axel exclaimed.

"Thanks Hermosa," Travieso added and kissed my forehead. He let me go. I got up from the couch and went to the kitchen. I reached the fridge, opened it and took out the jar of homemade Agua De Hochata. I put it down on the counter to get three cups. I reached up and took out the cups. These cups were huge in the matter of fact. I set them down in alignment. I went over to the freezer and took out an ice cube tray. Then took a wooden spoon from the drawers and stirred the hochata, before pouring it into the cups. Once I poured the "Rice Milk" in the cup, I put ice cubes in it. If only Ana were here too; enjoying this with us.

I walked back with two cups of hochata, "Here," I said handing one to Travieso, "It's homemade and fresh, I made it yesterday." Travieso took the cup. I walked to Axel and handed him the other.

"Muchas gracias, Luna" Axel said, smiling.

"De nada" I said, returning the smile. I turned on my heels and walked back to the kitchen to get my cup of hochata. I came back, sat back down on the couch and drunk my favorite drink in the whole world.

Dam, it tasted so good. I tried to savor it, but was hard to. Besides I have plenty more! For those of you who haven't tried it, should. It's so delicious! I tried to control myself, so I set down the cup. It still had about half the cup left.

Once I set it down. I leaned against Travieso. After a while I started feeling so sleepy. I don't think I could have stayed up any longer. I mean, my eyelids felt so HEAVY!

I fell asleep, leaning against Travieso. Darn it... Oh well...

* * * Travieso's P.O.V.* * *

I was sitting here, in Luna's house, drinking hochata and watching soccer. It's like anything I could ask for! Yeah I've been with many girls before.But Luna's the one. I love her. And now she was completly mine. But did she really love me back? Guess that would have to wait...

Wait... I looked down at Luna. She was barely moving and her breathing was soft and steady. Her eyes were closed? ----

"Is she asleep???" Axel asked, looking over at me and Luna.

"I have no idea. I think so." I looked back at Luna and nudge her a little. Yup, she was asleep. Her eyes were closed lightly and she barely moved. "Yup, she's asleep."

* * *Luna's Dream* * *

I was pretty sure that it was a dream. I mean it seemed so real! But for one thing we weren't in Mexico... I was somewhere else, somewhere as shiny but not that hot. I was with Travieso, Axel, Ana, my little brother, sister and someone else, I couldn't really tell who. We were just wandering around on the streets of some place. But other than that, I didn't really understand everything else.

* * * Travieso's P.O.V. * * *

~~~Two hours later

Me and Axel were watching another soccer game. The first one had finished and found another. Soccer was my thing and Axel's too. Axel was an okay guy. I mean I would talk to him sometimes maybe hang out with him. He just wasn't my type of friend.

I felt Luna move; who was still laying against me. She was coming out of her sleep. I looked down at Luna. Her eyes fluttered open, revealing her beautiful emerald green eyes. She looked up at me and smiled. I smiled back.

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