Chapter 37

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Capitulo 37




He didn't know whether to call or not. He hadn't seen his parents in a while—Two years to be exact— Or his younger brother and sisters, that we're still living with his parents.

Luna, Mario and Isabella would be happy to see their older brother Cristobal.

What the hell, he thought. He picked up his office desk phone and dialed his mom's phone.

No answer; it took him to a machine saying there was no service on the phone. He tried his dad's and got the same answer.

What? Alomejor no se acuerdaron a pagar el telefono. I'll try Luna.

He pulled out his phone and dialed his sister.

This time he got a machine but with a different message. Este telefono no esta en la area. This phone is not in reach. It may be busy.

He raised an eyebrow, he was a little concerned. What's going on.

He decided to call his other sister Miranda, who was just finishing up college and moved in with her boyfriend.


"Miranda es Cristobal. Has oido algo de mama y papa?"

"No. No lo que puedo pensar. Por que?" His sister asked.

"Es que trate de llamar pero nadien contesta," He said, "Unless alguna cosa paso."

"Quien sabe... Horita los hablos," She said.

"Esta bien, y me hablas patras. Por que si algo esta malo voy ir a ver," He explained.

"Esta bien," His sister agreed, "Te hablo en un ratito."

They ended the conversation and went back to work. It wasn't until another twenty minutes before his sister, Miranda, called back.

After talking with her they decided to go home and see what was going on.

Cristobal left earlier, just because he was further away from Mexico City.

He finally arrived around five in the afternoon. His sister was already outside and waiting for him.

He parked the car and together walked towards the house. They knocked and no one answered. There were a couple lights on, but it made them suspicious. They waited at least ten minutes; they had even yelled their names, but no one came to the door.

Miranda had a personal key to the house and offered to open it; to see what was going on. They did and the first thing that caught their attention was a clean, but written area on the wall. A shelf held candles and photos. Above the shelf was la cruz con Jesus y la Virgin Maria. Then on the wall was colorful writing.

Thinking the same thing, Cristobal and Miranda walked up to it. They noticed the names right away Luna, Axel, Ana, Isabella, Mario and Travieso.

There eyes were brought down to the photos. A picture of their parents. Not only Luna's but Ana, Axel's and Travieso's parents too. They both raised an eyebrow.

The first thing that really caught their eyes was a drawing... A drawing of an angel, they knew, that Luna drew. It had her little signature off to the side.

They both touched it, it was beautiful, it really was, Luna was the creative one in the family. Creative, funny, competitive, strong, brave, that was Luna. Probably everyone in the family loved her and now they were gone? Cristobal thought.

Out loud he read one of the messages: "Amigos= Ya no tengo
Parients y Familia = Por siempre.
Nueva Familia = Hasta al Fin."

"What?" Cristobal wondered out loud. He turned to his sister and she had the same readable expression.

Then he read the other message out loud too: "Te amamos. Rest In Peace."

A little thought hit Cristobal, like running into a bricked wall.

"It looks like a little funeral thing..." He muttered, but his sister heard him.

"How and why? Did Luna did this?"

"Well there names are right there," Her brother pointed out.

"What about if it's a joke?" She wondered.

Her brother shook his head, "I don't think so. Algo esta pasando. Y no es una broma. Something's wrong. We have to find Luna and now!"

His sister understood. They had to find Luna and fast!

Author's Note:

This is all I'm gonna say for now. Please vote and comment. Follow me if your not at this point, please and thank you. I most likely will follow back.



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