Chapter 35 (The desert)

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Capitulo 35 (El Desierto)


We didn't sleep for very long, because we awoke to the heat at around mid-day. Well I guess it was pretty good about six hours of sleep.

"Not bad," I said, "seis hours de sueño."

Everyone nodded, "Yup, but I think that backpack wasn't a very good pillow," Travieso mentioned as he rubbed his neck. It was probably a little sore.

I giggled, "It's the only thing we have."

Travieso shrugged, "I guess we do."

We put our stuff together and started walking again. I had taken out the map a couple times and made sure we were heading the right way.

So far we were doing really well. We had enough food, water and energy. Our phones didn't work but that's how we kept time. If we ran into a cactus we would cut off the "leaves" take of the thorns and eat it just like that. It was food and had plenty of water with it.

We walked at a five mile per hour pace and there was about 50-70 miles. So we could get there in about two days. I had remembered some of the true stories I heard/read that the ones who crossed by feet took them five days to two weeks trying to make it across the terrain they were crossing. Then there were the sad stories, where people died.

If there was a record for crossing the border we would have broken it for being the most skilled, smartest and fastest to crossing it. I smiled at myself for that thought.

"What are you smiling about?" Axel asked, his eyebrow raised in question.

I glanced over at him, "Well if there was a record for crossing the border, we would have broken it."

They all smiled.

"Especially since it was all your idea," Travieso mentioned. I smiled up at him.

"Well we technically voted on what to do," I said.

We shared a laugh and continued walking. To be honest everyone was holding up pretty well. We took turns carrying Carlosito. From Travieso, to me, to Ana and finally to Axel; we kept exchanging every so often.

After walking for a couple hours, I saw something in the distant, but I couldn't tell what it was. I was gonna say something but I didn't. Then after a while of heading towards each other. That thing turned out to be a person, he was tanned, had a light white tank top and some shorts. He carried a small bag, that probably only held one thing: water.

I nudged Travieso shoulder, "Look, do you think he's an American who got lost or a 'coyote'?"

"Probably un coyote," Travieso answered. I nodded. For those of you who don't know what a coyote is it's a person who helps people across the border.

As we came closer he yelled, "Hey! Vanan ir a Los Angeles, California!?"

We stopped and stared at him, as he came closer.

I didn't want to stop and chit-chat so right away I asked him if he was a coyote. He said yes and added that he was a pro and getting people across the border.

"Necesitan hayuda? Los puedo haydar?" He asked. To me he looked really suspicious.

"No estamos bien, gracias," I mentioned, trying to hide the compass and map further into my pocket. Who knows maybe he wants something like that.

"Niños no puedes estar solos en el desierto," He said. I didn't fall for it.

"Estamos bien, no necesitamos ayuda," I repeated.

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