Mess It Up - Jihyo (English Ver.)

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Dedicado a: iwannafudge

Feliz cumpleaños, bish
Por petición de mi mejor amiga, este OS estará en inglés.
• • • •


T/N was staring at that question mark for a while now. She had the greatest idea of calling her ex in the middle of the night, which was of course unanswered, and then answered by just a text with a question mark on it.

The girl sighed harshly, beating herself up for doing such an impulsive move. She couldn't avoid it, she just missed her.

"Nothing. I was drunk."

No, T/N wasn't wrong, but she was embarrassed. She needed an excuse to get out of that situation at once.

She then started looking through all her chats, finally finding the one she was looking for.


She didn't need to wait long when she got answered back.

"Where do you wanna meet?"

• • • •

"Ok, I won't comment on that, but... why?" Her friend asked as soon as T/N finished explaining what she did. "I thought you broke up with her long ago cuz she was getting a bit overwhelming."

"And I did! It's just..." T/N sighed, her hands going through her hair with some desperation. "It's just... I missed her. Moving to another city was just too much, and it was getting overwhelming. I just wanted to run away from everything." She truthfully said. "I thought I would be able to deal with it and everything was going to stop as soon as I get away from everything..."

"But it wasn't like that." Her friend completed.

"Exactly." T/N sighed once again. "I just... I just missed her, and that's why I did the dumb move of calling her."

"Well, like, it was really dumb and impulsive that you did that." Her friend agreed. She wasn't going to deny the truth, but that didn't mean she was going to scold her friend for that. "But it's understandable why you did it." She continued. "Did he say something after you said it was because of the alcohol?"

"She just said 'ok'." T/N sighed for the millionth time. Her soul was going to leave her body for the amount of times she sighed in that day.

"Hm, that seems quite difficult." Her friend said, thinking about it while crossing her arms.

"I know." T/N said quite sadly. "I just... I just miss her so much, Nayeon." She sighed once again, a tear sliding down her cheek.

Nayeon just grimaced, and took her hand to give her some kind of comfort. "Everything would be fine, okay? Don't worry about it."


"Why do you think she called me, Sana?" The girl asked her best friend, who was busy watching a movie at the moment.

"Huh? Who?" Sana asked, not paying much attention to the younger. The movie was in the best part, and she wasn't planning to miss it.

"Dude, come on, would you stop the movie for a second? It won't kill you." Jihyo said with annoyance, pausing the movie so that Sana would pay attention to her. "It's serious."

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