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Hyunjin's pov:

My first thought was:

"This huge ass jacket is ridiculous, who does he think he'll impress with this?"

Only this idiot could make me think this way in such a situation.


Since my favorite toy wasn't allowed to school for the day, I simply decided to not go. Which quickly turned out to be a mistake, since I immediately started to die from boredom, stuck in my apartment.

So, I decided to go get some fresh air.

I went to the arcades. Then to a restaurant. Then I went shopping for some useless shit.

Boring, boring, boring.

I understand now this experiment saying humans would rather get hurt than get bored.
Because why the fuck else would a high school boy, knowing full well he was pursued at all time by some mortally dangerous gangsters, would start playing an impromptu game of hide-and-seek with his bodyguards?

It took less than ten minutes for me to get grabbed at the arm by a suspicious guy. Only then did I realize my mistake.

My blood pressure immediately went sky high, I managed to get away from him and started to run through the crowd.

That's the good thing when you're a skinny high schooler, it's easier to slide through the crowd and through the fingers of buff mafia guys.

But my endurance soon started to decline, and I felt my luck run out. Another gangster grabbed me, and I had to loose my jacket to get away.

But just when I thought I was lost, I saw my toy. Right there, seated on the fountain! I ran to him and grabbed his shoulders.

He looked at me. I saw a grimace starting to form, but immediately wither when seing my distress. He looked over my shoulder, and immediately understood.

But suddenly, it hit me:
What could another skinny ass high schooler do to help in such a situation...?

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