A pretty pet

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Jisung's pov:

Hyunjin still won't let me come to his apartment to keep him company after school. But instead, he is now stuck to me at all time when at school!

His little escort was expelled, but he is still too scared to be alone, nor meet new people. So, now, If I go to the cafeteria, he follows. If I go to Jeongin and Seungmin's class, he follows. If I go to the bathroom, he follows...He even harassed a classmate to get the seat next to mine in class.

The whole situation is weird, to say the least, but once again, I just act as if it's normal. I just had to find an excuse to explain to Felix why I now had my worst enemy's chin put on my shoulder while I was talking with him.

"We...we made up," I said.

"What do you mean, you made up?!" shouted Felix. "What's up with him??"

He looked at Hyunjin with a disgusted expression. The latter replied with a mocking face.

"I'm sorry Felix." I said. "Please, just don't mind him. He won't go leaking whatever we discuss anyway, I promise."

Felix pouted.

But after a little while, since Hyunjin was so discreet and non-meddling, Felix got used to it. And so did my other friends.

The only person who stayed very bothered with this presence was Elena.

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