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Jisung's pov:

I cut short to my dad and Hyunjin's conversation, and dragged the latter upstairs to have a word.

"The fuck you're doing in my house?"
He then threw my leather jacket on the bed.
"Just for that? Don't you have enough of ruining my life at school? You also have to do it at my house?"

He rolled his eyes.

"I'm not here to annoy you, ok? Your dad just invited me in. I was just being polite."

"Yo! I hate you, remember? So you do annoy me just by being here."

He was obviously not listening to me.

"Are you close with your parents?"

"Huh? Yeah. As much as one can be."

At this moment, I think I saw a smirk on his face.

"Anyway, let me sleep here tonight."

"What!? No!"


"I just said I hated you! And you do too! Why would you want to sleep here!?"

"Even tho I do hate you, I happen to really like this house."

This picked my interest. What did my house had that was so special to such a guy?
I tried to argue but my mouth just produced unintelligible words.

He did not seem as intimidating outside of school, and he said himself he wasn't here to bother me.

Running all these reasons in my head, I ended up agreeing to let him stay.

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