No hold on you

293 18 0

Jisung's pov:

Fuckass shit!

Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!

I just keep swearing to help regulate my panic.

Nothing new under the sun, and nothing new under the fucking moon either!

Yeah, Hyunjin disappeared, again!

I got a message from one of his night assigned bodyguards saying he wasn't in his apartment and that the precedent crew sent no notice.

Sure, I guess I could think it's nothing. But I sense that this time, something really bad happened.

And the tracker I surreptitiously put on his phone stopped working!

So here I am, running all around town to all the places he ever evoked, or could possibly be, to find him.

I called all the police stations I could find, all the metro stations as well, and all the hospitals, giving his signalement.

But honestly, what can a random high schooler really do in this giant city to find another high schooler? As flashy as the latter may be.

I ended up trying to call the hotels of the area as well.

I also ultimately called my dad, who was very surprised to hear Hyunjin's name, since I made him promise to never evoke him ever again.

It's been five hours now.

It's three in the morning.

I'm loosing hope.



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essage received
From: " Son of "
To: Jisung's phone

    "My apartment"

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